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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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82 байта добавлено, 23:05, 20 августа 2009
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*The Belt of the Desolate One from Anashti Sul has been replaced by a choker with the same stats. Players who have already acquired the belt may exchange it for the necklace at Umbral.
*Многие предметы в рейдовых ТСО зонах получили повышенную критическую общую защиту.
*Shadow Odyssey raid bosses that drop armor patterns other than chest and legs now have a high chance to use smart lootИменные мобы ТСО, с которых падают выкройки на броню, будут чаще использовать смартлут (кроме торса и поножей).
*The Shield of Rainbow Hues from Shard of Fear is now a buckler. Its healer stats have been increased to make up for the lost protection.
*The set bonuses to Prismatic Chaos V on the TSO and RoK illusionist raid armor no longer stack.
