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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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5 байт убрано, 22:58, 20 августа 2009
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*Robe of the Undying now uses the same appearance as the robe Varsoon himself wears. Owners that wish to revert it to the former void appearance may exchange it at the merchant Umbral in the Moors of Ykesha.
*The Belt of the Desolate One from Anashti Sul has been replaced by a choker with the same stats. Players who have already acquired the belt may exchange it for the necklace at Umbral.
*Многие предметы в рейдовых ТСО зонах получили увеличение критического сопротивленияповышенную критическую общую защиту.
*Shadow Odyssey raid bosses that drop armor patterns other than chest and legs now have a high chance to use smart loot.
*The Shield of Rainbow Hues from Shard of Fear is now a buckler. Its healer stats have been increased to make up for the lost protection.
