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Littered Along the Pass

58 байт добавлено, 19:38, 20 ноября 2016
Нет описания правки
timeline = Obulus Frontier|
jcat = Obulus Frontier|
faction = |
level = 100103|
diff = Героическое|
szone = Obulus Frontier|
altname = |
== Прохождение ==
[[image: An Unburied Relic.jpg|80px|right|]]# Find the following in Найдите в районе {{POI|Grunt's Pass}}4 артефакта:
#*Interesting Artifact
#*Valuable Artifact
#*Sentimental Artifact
#*Grisly Artifact
#**''They are found within Все артефакты собираются из '''An Unburied Relic'''. They give updates at random, most were rusted and useless. They are not trackable.''#**''All 4 are found in the area between Предмет респится рандомно на площаде от {{loc|-228|7|368}} - {{loc|-480|84|230}} down to ниже до {{loc|-154|-82|111}}''#**''See the [[Talk:Littered Along the Pass|talk page]] for possible locations''# Return to Вернитесь к {{NPC|Klok Grissuc}} 
== Награда ==
*Мин. {{infoCoin|1|53|9||14622|}}*<ipi>Iksar Coal Barrow</ipi> - предмет обстановки
