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3335 байт убрано, 18:48, 16 июля 2018
Нет описания правки
.examinewindow li
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center left no-repeat;
/* a custom background for the LoN infobox */
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/* a custom background */
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/* 2015 */
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* MenuSidebar
/* this has to be overridden for every menu */
#p-Menu3 {
overflow: visible;
/* this has to be overridden for every menu */
#p-Menu div,
#p-Menu2 div,
#p-Menu3 div {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
/* this is an example to make the list of the second entry bigger e.g. when ther is a longer text in a list item
#p-Menu ul li.item2 ul {
width: 16em;
/* this an example to change the background color of every second list item
li.even {
background-color: #eeeeee;
.menuSidebar ul { /* remove bullets and list indents */
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margin: 0;
padding: 0;
/* this div is only for better handling and navigation ... could also be done in inner ul*/
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position: absolute;
top: -6px;
left: 100%; /* to position them to the right of their containing block */
width: 100%; /* width is based on the containing block */
z-index: 100; /* show ul on top */
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background: url(/w/skins/s_sk/menu-lig.png) 0 0 repeat;
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width: 12em;
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position: relative; /* make li a container for inner elements */
margin: 1px;
z-index: 102; /* show on top; Needed for IE 7 */
/* move the > to the right */
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content: "\f105";
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/* Needed for IE 7 */
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/* hides the first level */
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/* shows the first level and hide the second */
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/* second level*/
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.menuSidebar ul li ul li div:hover { visibility:visible; display: block; opacity:1; } /* div is again used for easier navigation*/
.menuSidebar ul li ul li:hover ul li div { visibility:hidden; opacity:0; transition: visibility 0s ease-out 0.2s,opacity 0.2s ease-out; } /* hide the next level */
/* third level */
.menuSidebar ul li ul li ul li:hover div,
.menuSidebar ul li ul li ul li div:hover { visibility:visible; display: block; opacity:1; } /* div is again used for easier navigation*/
.menuSidebar ul li ul li ul li:hover ul li div { display: none; } /* hide the next level */
/* keep nested list fonts from continually decreasing in size with each nesting */
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
#mw-panel div.portal div.body ul li {font-size: 11px !important;}
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
#mw-panel div.portal div.body ul li {font-size: small !important;}
/* Allow popup submenus to overflow the sidebar area */
#mw-panel div.portal div.body ul li {
overflow: visible !important;
#p-treemenu_1 div.body {margin-left:0 !important;}
.menuSidebar ul li {padding-left:0.5em !important;}
#p-editors.portal .menuSidebar ul li {padding-left:0 !important;}
/* minor adjustments to the sidebar area for the Vector skin */
.menuSidebar ul div {
top: -1px !important; /* vertical offset of submenus */
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
div#mw-head { top: 16px; right: -6px; }
color: #333;
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img {max-width: 100%;width: auto \9;height: auto;vertical-align: middle;border: 0;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;}
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border-color: rgba(0,102,153,0.05) rgba(0,102,153,0.2) rgba(0,102,153,0.2) rgba(0,102,153,0.05);
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