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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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2508 байт добавлено, 12:08, 20 ноября 2009
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*(cig) [[Оперный Театр Найтсонга]] в [[Нериак]]е с гордостью представляет новинку - “Из ненависти возродится еще одна высшая раса!”
*(cig) Grave Elemental’s Affliction no longer displays error messages when triggering.
*(cig) The Jum Jum Thief в зоне [[Зачарованные Земли]] теперь корректно награждает очками АД.
*Бой с [[Среброкрыл|Среброкрылом]] - два блуждающих огонька теперь имеют различную внешность, чтобы можно было легче определить, кто из них станит игроков, при слишком близком соседстве, а кто отлечивает Среброкрыла, если оказывается рядом с ним.
*Бой с [[Среброкрыл|Среброкрылом]] - игровой скрипт и заклинание лечения Среброкрыла содержали ошибку, из-за которой моб мог слишком сильно отлечиваться. Теперь это всегда будет 2% в начале и затем еще 1% каждую секунду в течение 5и секунд.
==Обновление 19 ноября 2009г.==
*The Spires event is no longer active. The merchants remain, and will continue selling items for tokens.
*Strange events are afoot in Qeynos and Freeport! Intrepid adventurers should seek out Royal Librarian Brinn in Qeynos Harbor and Sir Tallen Yevix in West Freeport.
*The festive bone trophy is now spelled correctly.
*The "Sturdy Fruitcake" tooltip and examine description now has appropriate text!
*The Crate of Explosive Materials in The McScroogle Corp. HQ now gives 12 explosives at once, instead of one at a time!
*Vampires now only drop one size of incisor, which should make stacking them easier. However, any old-version incisors will remain until they're used up.
*Brundun Cogspinner and Ellnie Shrewsprock have received a shipment of rare accessories they are happy to award to highly efficient hunters.
*Hrath's Journal can now be turned into a proper book file that can be placed in a player’s house. Once you complete the quest “Hadden's Earring”, examine the item to turn it into a book.
*Erollisi Day candies and Nights of the Dead treats now stack to 200.
*The quest “Crates on the Nerves” will now properly show, and not show, the locations of the crates as you progress through the quest.
*Lord Bowsprite now updates the quest “Unlocking the Elfin Lord”, even after completing it twice.
*The quest, “Lore and Legend: Vampire” can now be obtained from body drops, just like the other creature mastery quests.
*Defeating McScroogle’s encounter in the quest “Saving Frostfell” does not award AA, as such the star by his name has been removed.
*The rusty rubble and useful gizmo parts that you must clean up for the quest “Gnopp's One Stop Shop” in Gnip Gnopp's Gizmo Shop now respawns.
*The goblin that pops out of the "Bag 'O Goblin" you are given while on the quest, “Making Coins” no longer can be used in instances or guildhalls.
*Gardy Ex-Giftgiver no longer acts as if he is going to offer you his quest “The Giftgiver's Dilemma”, after you have completed it.
'''[[Лес Нектулос]]'''
*The previous density of the harvesting nodes was low. The number has been increased. These include only land based harvesting nodes and each spawn point has the potential to spawn any node.
'''[[Внутренний Бастион Йкеши]]'''
*Ykeshan footsoldiers should no longer attack banished players.
