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Чат с разработчиками 2008.12.11

974 байта добавлено, 18:58, 22 декабря 2008
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::(A)Rothgar: это не так легко сделать, как с одеждой, потому что от используемого оружия зависит анимация персонажа.
*(Q)Savne: Будет ли изменен внешний вид экипировки TSO, или она останется такой же, как сейчас?::(A)Fyreflyte: Останется::(A)Fyreflyte: Мы работаем над кучей новых предметов :D*(Q)Poxx-Befallen: я знаю, что это непросто реализовать, но например, можно было бы используя заданные формы изменять вид оружия и придавать ему сходство с другим предметом::(A)Fyreflyte: В игре нет программного кода для морфинга изображений. Самое смешное, что эту тему мы обсуждали вчера с одним из художников.*(Q)Poxx-Befallen: а куда можно отправить свои работы?::(A)Fyreflyte: Если уже есть готовые изображения, можно их запостить на форум Экипировки и Предметов. Или просто выйти ко мне на связь в PM на тех же форумах
*(Q)KurtH: что вы думаете по поводу ограничения поглощаемого урона эффектом дисперсии <sup>[[#Примечания|[5]]]</sup> так, что бы нельзя было просто игнорировать урон в 100 000 :)::(A)Fyreflyte: Я собираюсь немного модифицировать этот эффект, чтбы улучшить баланс.::(A)Fyreflyte: самая большая проблема не в дисперсии, а то что она накладывается на VP эффект, у которого еще два срабатывания::(A)Fyreflyte: и с такой комбинацией маги становятся практически непобедимыми::(A)Fyreflyte: по-моему второй эффект называется Сдвиг <sup>[[#Примечания|[6]]]</sup>::(A)Fyreflyte: таким образом, у персонажа единовременно может быть тройная вероятность абсолютной защиты::(A)Fyreflyte: и во время отражения трех ударов, вероятность срабатывания защиты возникает снова::(A)Fyreflyte: я планирую исправить ситуацию за счет отмены прока на время действия эффекта. Кроме того, дисперсию и Сдвиг поместим в один слот, так чтобы избежать кумулятивного эффекта
Fyreflyte: I'm going to modify dispersion a bit to prevent the badness it's currently causingFyreflyte: the big problem actually isnt dispersion. it's the VP effect that has 2 triggers and stacks with itFyreflyte: between the two, mages can become almost invicinbleFyreflyte: I think the effect is called DisplacementFyreflyte: so basically someone can have 3 stoneskin triggers up at onceFyreflyte: and during those 3 hits they have a chance to trigger more triggersFyreflyte: I'm going to fix it by disallowing it to proc while the effect is already up. also going to give Dispersion and Displacement the same spell slot so they don;t stack*(Q)Poxx-Befallen: for warlock fabled set gear, is it intended to have absolution on 4 set AND on chest?::(A)Fyreflyte: They're different bonuses to Absolution though, yes?*(Q)Poxx-Befallen: i got a feeling you try to tell us to use absolution more::(A)Fyreflyte: Poxx: Hehe, wasn;t trying to tell anyone to use anything ;) Just trying to pick out useful spells that players would actually like upgraded
*(Q)Poxx-Befallen: whats drop ratio for dark hood of dealing?::(A)Fyreflyte: Poxx: Low :D::(A)Poxx-Befallen: aparently::(A)Fyreflyte: and yeah, not upping the drop rate on that hat anytmime soon::(A)Savne: great :D::(A)Fyreflyte: They're different bonuses The Umbral Exchange Merchant is there to swap out items that I changed in a patch so that GMs don;t have to do it::(A)Fyreflyte: I edited several shields that were priest-usable kite shields. Since making them bucklers will be undesirable to Absolution thoughtanks, and making them non priest usable would screw the priests who took them, yes?I made 2 versions and put in the merchant to allow players who had acquired them already to swap them out::(A)Fyreflyte: I will use him in the future as well if I change something and need to be able to reimburse players who have already acquired it::(A)Fyreflyte: And possibly for other things as well... secret things...::(A)Fyreflyte: I'm revamping the raid set gear somewhat. The cuffs may be changed::(A)Fyreflyte: haven't looked at caster gear just yet. still working on fighters and scouts::(A)Poxx-Befallen: i got a feeling as long as you try dont take away the cast haste im happy :)::(A)Fyreflyte: O.o*(Q)feldon30: So is it too early to tell us start drooling for new void shard items? I don't want to use absolution morerun out of drool. :)*(Q)feldon30: I know TSO is less than 1 month old::(A)Fyreflyte: There will be new ones in a few months ;)*(Q)Poxx-Befallen: Hehehere's another crazy idea, wasn;t trying instead of having to chose to tell anyone have what race to use anything ;show in what standard (normal/soga) Just trying why not have an option in details sayin show me as alternative or show me as normal, then remove the option in the game to select, that way the others see you as they want them to pick out useful spells be seen::(A)Fyreflyte: Poxx: The issue with showing soga or non models is that players your computer has to load them into memory. If we allowed others to choose the way they were shown it would actually like upgradedcause everyone to have to load twice as many models and textures.::(A)Poxx-Befallen: whats drop ratio for dark it would pretty much work the same way as showing cloak/helm/hood ::(A)Fyreflyte: except that it would lag others who didn;t want to be lagged. mind you, we could put in an additional option to allow peope to view others as their settings were set::(A)Fyreflyte: but that would have to be an option on the end of the viewer. not on the end of dealing?the viewee
*(Q)feldon32: is there a Fabled revamp in the pipeline? T4 and T5?::(A)Fyreflyte: Poxxfabled items?: Low :D(A)feldon32: we've had the treasured/legendary revamp of all items 1-69Poxx::(A)feldon32: and the mastercrafted armor and weapon revamp from 1-Befallen60::(A)Seliri: aparentlyis feldon asking if fabled/legendary from 1-69 will be revamped?Fyreflyte: and yeah, not upping the drop rate on :(A)Seliri: cause that hat anytmime soonwould be an excellent questionSavne: great :D(A)Fyreflyte: The Umbral Exchange Merchant is there Ah that... It's something I want to swap out items that do, but at this point I changed in a patch so that GMs honestly don;t know when I'm ever going to have to do ittime::(A)Fyreflyte: I edited several shields You know we lost the two other people on the team that were priest-usable kite shieldsdid items. Since making them bucklers will be undesirable to tanks, and making them non priest usable would screw the priests who took them, For most of TSO I made 2 versions and put in the merchant to allow players who had acquired them already to swap was doing them outall by myself::(A)Fyreflyte: I will use him in had a bunch of help right at the future as well if end when they finally realized that I change something and need to be able wasn;t lying about having 3x too much work to reimburse players who have already acquired complete itby myself ;)Fyreflyte: And possibly for other things as well... secret things...Fyreflyte: I'm revamping the raid set gear somewhat. The cuffs may be changed(A)Fyreflyte: havenSo it't looked at caster gear just yet. s still working on fighters my mind, and scoutssomething I'd like to do, but I need timePoxx-Befallen: as long as you dont take away the cast haste im happy :(A)Fyreflyte: O.ofeldon30: So is it too early I have to start drooling get cracking on making a bunch of new gear for new void shard items? I donthose already, and that't want to run out of drool. s not even next expansion::(A)feldon30Fyreflyte: plus I know TSO is less than 1 month old'm still fixing/tuning a bunch of the gear from this expansion::(A)Fyreflyte: There will be new ones in a few months yeah I'm lookin forward to it also ;)I'm not a fan of large raids, but I'd love some 2 group stuffPoxx-Befallen: here's another crazy idea, instead of having to chose to have what race to show in what standard :(normal/sogaA) why not have an option Fyreflyte: I put in details sayin show me as alternative or show me as normal, then remove some art requests for some really kickass appearances for the option in the game upcoming stuff. Will have to select, that way the others see you as if they want them have time to be seendo it all::(A)Fyreflyte: New class helm for Conjurors that isn't a cloth sack! ftw...
*(Q)Seliri: even though you may have never heard of stacking particle effects being on a priority list, would you ever be interested in making them appear on such a priority list?::(A)Fyreflyte: PoxxI can certainly bring it up: The issue with showing soga or non models :(A)Fyreflyte: I think the main reason it's never been done is that your computer has to load them into memoryit causes lag for a lot of folks. If we allowed others But if there were a way to choose the way they were shown limit it in your personal options it would cause everyone to have to load twice as many models and textures.might not be too badPoxx-Befallen: it would pretty much work the same way as showing cloak/helm/hood:(A)Fyreflyte: except that it would lag others who didnI don;t want to be laggedknow what that entails codewise though. mind you, we could put in an additional option currently have 2 effect "slots" and I dunno what they'd have to allow peope change to view others as their settings were setFyreflyte: but increase that would have to be an option on the end of the viewer. not on the end of the vieweefeldon32: is there a Fabled revamp in the pipeline? T4 and T5?or display multiple effects per slot
Fyreflyte: fabled items?*(Q)feldon32: we've had the treasured/legendary ok item question.. City Relics purchasable with Status. any plans to revamp of all items 1-69feldon32: and ? speed up cast time? maybe make the mastercrafted armor and weapon revamp from 1-60Seliri: is feldon asking ones that rez people NOT burn up if fabled/legendary from 1-69 will be revampedthey are already rezzed by someone else?:)Seliri: cause that would be an excellent question:(A)Fyreflyte: Ah that... It's something I want to do, but at this point I honestly don;t know when I'm ever going to have timeFyreflyte: You know we lost any plans for the two other people on the team that did itemscity relics. For most of TSO I was doing them all by myselfFyreflyte: I had a bunch of help right at the end when they finally realized that I wasn;t lying about having 3x too much work which is not to complete it by myself ;)Fyreflyte: So itsay we won's still on my mind, and something I'd like to dot ever look at them, but I need timeFyreflyte: I have to get cracking on making a bunch lot of new gear other pressing stuff to deal with for those already, now (and that's not even like the next expansionFyreflyte: plus I'm still fixing/tuning a bunch of the gear from this expansionFyreflyte: yeah I'm lookin forward to it also year ;) I'm not a fan of large raids, but I'd love some 2 group stuffFyreflyte: I put in some art requests for some really kickass appearances for the upcoming stuff. Will have to see if they have time to do it allFyreflyte: New class helm for Conjurors that isn't a cloth sack! ftw...Seliri: even though you may have never heard of stacking particle effects being on a priority list, would you ever be interested in making them appear on such a priority list?)
Fyreflyte*(Q)Bludwyng: I can certainly bring it is warbear gonna scale any time soon?::(A)Rothgar: scale upto the race size?Fyreflyte: I think the main reason it's never been done is that it causes lag for a lot of folks. But if there were a way to limit it in your personal options it might not be too bad:(A)Seliri: ayeFyreflyte::(A)Rothgar: I don;t know what that entails codewise though. we currently have 2 effect "slots" beleive thats been fixed internally and I dunno what they'd have to change to increase that or display multiple effects per slotfeldon32: ok item question.. City Relics purchasable will go out with Status. any plans to revamp? speed up cast time? maybe make the ones that rez people NOT burn up if they are already rezzed by someone else? :)next GU
Fyreflyte: I don;t have any plans for the city relics. which is not to say we won't ever look at them, but I have a lot of other pressing stuff to deal with for now (and like the next year ;))
Bludwyng: is warbear gonna scale any time soon?
Rothgar: scale up to the race size?
Seliri: aye
Rothgar: I beleive thats been fixed internally and will go out with the next GU
Seliri: will the AA cap ever be removed on PvP servers?
::(A)Rothgar: Not sure on that oen.
::(A)Rothgar: you mean the caps at each level?
::(A)Seliri: on pvp servers, aye
::(A)Seliri: if you could ask around or bring it up somewhere that'd be cool, but np if not =p
::(A)Rothgar: I think thats there to keep the power level somewhat in check based on level. Since PvP combat is controlled by level.
::(A)Seliri: with quest/disco XP now removable, people can quest and get tons of AAs
::(A)Seliri: a lot of their efforts get squelched due to the cap, but understandable if it's to make the difficulty fair for casual players
::(A)Rothgar: yeah, maybe it could use some tweaking.
Rothgar: Not sure on that oen.
Rothgar: you mean the caps at each level?
Seliri: on pvp servers, aye
Seliri: if you could ask around or bring it up somewhere that'd be cool, but np if not =p
Rothgar: I think thats there to keep the power level somewhat in check based on level. Since PvP combat is controlled by level.
Seliri: with quest/disco XP now removable, people can quest and get tons of AAs
Seliri: a lot of their efforts get squelched due to the cap, but understandable if it's to make the difficulty fair for casual players
Rothgar: yeah, maybe it could use some tweaking.
