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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Палата Драйека (задание)

70 байт убрано, 16:21, 17 сентября 2009
#Крюк '''Холодного Ветра''' - [[Керн Холодный Ветер]] at {{loc|0.00|40.00|-247.00}}<br/>He's on the top middle balcony. His placeholder is a 47^^^ Kromise Virh devastator who will appear on either the right or left side of the balcony. Kerhn Chillwind is 48^^^ and appears in the middle of the balcony grouped with a 48^^^ Kromise Virh armsmen on his right side and a 48^^^ Kromise Virh mender on his left side.
#Осколок '''Белой Бороды''' - [[Адор Белая Борода]] в точке {{loc|0|60|-271}}<br/>At the circular area outside Drayek's Chamber zone in. Ador os 50^^^ and is grouped with a 50^^^ Ikro Kromise cleric and a 50^^^ Ikro Kromise protector. His placeholder is an Ikro Kromise isangoma.
#Клеймо '''Гирока''' - [[Gyrok DeepfreezeГирок Зимний Мороз]] at респим в точке {{loc|0|60|-385}}<br/>Right infront of the Drayek's Chamber zone in. Gyrok Deepfreeze is 50^^^ and is grouped with three 50^^^ Ikro Kromise champion's and a Появляется возле входа в Палату Дрейка с 4-мя мобами 50^^^ Ikro Kromise cleric (two on his right side and two on his left side)левела. Gyrok has a knockback that can knock you over the center wall and down to the bottom of the circular ice staircaseПри убийстве моб сильно пинается. It's best to fight him with your back to the doorСледует бить в нише повернувшись спиной к двери.
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