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3019 байт добавлено, 19:06, 24 августа 2009
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*По сообщениям с форума разработчиков нас ожидает ревамп характеристик и расовых традиций персонажей. Некоторые из существующих будут удалены, некоторые останутся, и появится большое количество новых - в общей сложности число опций, из которых можно будет сделать выбор удвоится.
'''Примечание:''' этот пункт не указан в анонсе от 13 августа, но по информации от Aeralik'а "eta on this - Really soon(tm) like gu53 timeframe ".
*We wanted races to be more flexible in what types of combat and tradeskill classes they can choose.
*We wanted to better balance races against each other.
*We wanted some race/class combos to be more interesting.
*We wanted to make it easier to understand the racial abilities when creating a character.
*We wanted to make race choice a bit more cosmetic, since all races were equally good at appropriate classes.
*This balance was accomplished by creating trait packages. Each package has eight traits with the class archetypes in mind: Scouts, Fighters, Mages, and Priests. Each race receives two of the packages and can chose from the traits inside either of those packages. There is also a Well Rounded and a Priest/Mage combo package. These two combo packages have sixteen traits and are tailored differently. Well Rounded spans all archetypes and the Priest/Mage package shares strengths of both the priest and mage packs with some additional flavored bonuses.
*The eight traits that each archetype package contains are:
**Statistic Gain
**Resistance Gain
**Health or Power Boost
**Non-Combat Boost 1
**Non-Combat Boost 2
**Combat Bonus
**Tradeskill Bonus
**Skill Bonus
*After we applied the trait packages we moved some of the important racial traits into inntate traits. For example, Human's Diplomacy and Ogre's Impenetrable Will are still there, but are now free innates that you start with.
*We have also added some new traits, things such as:
**Teleport to friend in the zone, long reuse.
**Tracking opened up to races that it fit with.
**Repair your armor on a long reuse.
**Disarm trap for races with knowledge of complicated systems.
*We have diversified race access to different tradeskills. A third tradeskill trait has been added to each race to help open up tradeskill jobs. Each package also contains an option to increase base tradeskill combines. In total, five options for tradeskills are possible. The five are the two existing choices, the new class specific choice, and the two new general choices from the archetype packages. Let's look at Ogre's as an example:
**Oggokian Trade: Metalworking Power Reduction (Existing Choice)
**Rallosian Readiness: Metal Shaping Skill (Existing Choice)
**Mooshga's Tutelage: Provisioning Power Reduction (New Racial Choice)
**Fortune of the Feerrott: Increase progress by 2% on all rounds (New Package Choice)
**Oggokian Durability: Increase durability by 2% on all rounds (New Package Choice)
*Statistic traits will now scale to your level.
:'''Offensive Buffs'''
*Offensive buffs have been removed. We did this to help balance races better against each other. Having nineteen options should allow you to grow your character in new ways that let you come out more powerful overall.
*When this reaches live all character development choices will be reset to allow you to choose from the new traits. Thanks for your patience and understanding with this rework!
==Ревамп ПвП экипировки==
