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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Вопросы к разработчикам 2009.08.03

719 байт добавлено, 10:37, 10 августа 2009
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*After the latest GU, some effects like dispersion, displacement and transportation became useless on the armor items, the same situation with the Mortal coil. Any changes planned to make them useful again?
*Can you allow some races (fae for example) or some mounts (magic carpets) to fly the sococar or griffon routes without using those beasts? Imagine a flock of fae-players drifting above the field of bones in Nathsar? awesome...
*Do you plan to increase the number of toons per account?
*The Mirror of Reflected Achievements is a handy tool. There's only one problem - it's too big and needs to be kept at home. What do you think about a pocket version? That might be not so powerful (store just one type of AA - either KoS, EoF or TSO) or make it a lore item... still the idea looks very appealing :)
*Do you plan to add heroic locations into the game?
*Any plans to add hairloom tag to legendary and epic items?
*The best question ever (have been asked every month since February and never got a reply) - When can we try on a Fae or an Arasai illusory image? Seems those two were left aside as we have available most of the other race illusions.
