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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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174 байта добавлено, 09:27, 29 июля 2009
Заклинания по категориям
'''Reactive Healing BuffsЛечение реактивами'''
*Heal Ally After Injuries: [[Bestowal of Vitae]] (12)
*Heal Group After Injuries: [[Soothing Sermon]] (14)
*Heal Ally After Injuries (Free Instant Cast): [[Radiance]] (15)
*Heal Group After Injuries (Free Instant Cast): [[Evidence of Faith]] (48)
'''Direct HealsПрямое лечение'''*Heal Efficiently: [[TreatmentЗабота]] (1)
*Heal Powerfully: [[Minor Recovery]] (3)
*Group Heal: [[Penitent's Alleviation]] (14)
*Prevent Ally's Death, Heal and Increase Max Health: [[Redemption]] (41)
*Resurrect Ally Without Penalty, Heal and Raise Power: [[Conversion of the Soul]] (50)
*Cure Ally's Debuffs: [[Cure (Spell)|Cure]] (6)
*Cure Group of Arcane and Elemental Debuffs: [[Flagellant]] (42)
'''НападениеУрон по одиночной цели'''
*Урон и прерывание врага: [[Призыв]] (1)
*Damage (Mental), Damage Gradually, and Lower Mental Resistance of Enemy : [[Writhe]] (3)
*Damage and Debuff [[Lore and Legend Timeline|Studied]] Enemies: [[Master's SmiteКара Мастера]] (5)
*Damage (Heat), Damage Gradually, and Lower Divine Resistance of Enemy: [[Cleansing Fire]] (23)
*Damage and Interrupt Grouped Enemies in Area: [[Litany of Agony]] (32)
*Divine Retaliation Against Vampires: [[Sacred Shield]] (35)
*Increase Group's INT, Attack Haste (And Reuse Speed at Higher Levels) (Stifles Caster, Upkeep Cost): [[Zealotry]] (50)
'''General BuffsУсиления на отдельного союзника'''*Increase Ally's Max Health and DPS: [[Minor BlessingСтойкость]] (4)
*Ally can Breathe Underwater: [[Enduring Breath]] (9)
*Ally's Aggressive Spells / Attacks May Lower Enemy's Power and Increase Inquisitor's Power: [[Harrowing Inquest]] (45)
*Send Friend Home: [[Odyssey]] (13)
*Summon Food & Water: [[Summon Food and Water]] (6)
*Ally Kneels: [[Enforced Reverence]] (30)
