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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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Гроза драконов

136 байт добавлено, 16:39, 7 июля 2009
Нет описания правки
diff = Эпическое|
szone = Пустынные Небеса|
patch = Kingdom of Sky|
aaexp = y|
prereq = |
#Поговорите с {{NPC|Фуззмин Потерянный|Фуззмином Потерянным}} на {{POI|Остров Шепчущих Ветров|Острове Шепчущих Ветров}}, находящемся в зоне {{Zone|Пустынные Небеса}}, он стоит рядом с телепортом {{loc|-587| -48| -408}}. Он попросит вас найти несколько трофеев, а именно:
#* Убить {{Named|Аздалин}}а (65^^^ героический) {{loc|646.00| -163.29| 556.41}} - находится на {{POI|Остров Выведения Потомства|Острове Выведения Потомства}} в {{Zone|Тенистый Лабиринт|Тенистом Лабиринте}}.#* Убить {{Named|Гилтон}}а (67^^^ героический) {{loc|27| 85| 382 }} - находится на самом нижнем этаже зоны {{Zone|Святилище Наследников Чешуи}} в {{Zone|Тенистый Лабиринт|Тенистом Лабиринте}}.#* Содрать чешуйку с {{Named|Лорд Ксифл}}а (70^^^ героический) который находится в {{POI|Храм Солусека Ро|Храме Солусека Ро}} в {{Zone|Лавасторм}}е. #*'''''Внимание:''' He has an AOE stun and knockback. The best way to get the trophy from him is to wait until he falls asleep. When he is asleep he will not be aggro or attackable. Right click him to pluck a scale from him. He will probably wake up angry. Remain perfectly still and do not move. If anyone in his aggro range moves he will attack them and will not go back to sleep. Wait until he falls back asleep and try to pluck a scale again if you did not get one the first time around. Alternately you can kill him to take a scale. ''HINT:You'll notice he's standing in between-ish two pillars. What you do is stand behind one of the pillars such that he doesn't have line of sight on you. No line of sight = can't attack you. Has worked like a charm for me and everyone I know. He'll go aggro when you try to pluck scale, but since he can't see you, he can't attack. So just pluck away at him til you get update. After you get it you can evac, or gate or just simply wait for him to go back to NPC mode (less than a minute), since he sees invis while in mob mode. *additional hint* you can walk to the balcony on top of him, scroll the camera view out, and pluck his scales that way - no need to worry about any aggro or sleeping.''
big lizard that wanders the path in the breeding grounds in [[Tenebrous Tangle]]. He spawns when someone on this step of the quest gets to the island.#* Убить Вернитесь к {{NamedNPC|ГилтонФуззмин Потерянный|Фуззмину}}а (67^^^ героический) drake that wanders around the hoards of droags and drakes, above the gorg pit at the bottom of the [[Sanctum of the Scaleborn]]. He has a lot of hit points and spawns almost immediately after being killed.#* Содрать чешуйку с Он даст вам {{NamedItem|Лорд КсифлРжавый Истребитель Драконов}}а (70^^^ героический) и пошлет найти оружейника, который находится в {{POI| Храм Солусека Ро}} {{Zone:Лавасторм}}емогбы помочь вам восстановать это оружие. ---------------------He has an AOE stun and knockback. The best way to get the trophy from him is to wait until he falls asleep. When he is asleep he will not be aggro or attackable. Right click him to pluck a scale from him. He will probably wake up angry. Remain perfectly still and do not move. If anyone in his aggro range moves he will attack them and will not go back to sleep. Wait until he falls back asleep and try to pluck a scale again if you did not get one the first time around. Alternately you can kill him to take a scale. ''HINT:You'll notice he's standing in between-ish two pillars. What you do is stand behind one of the pillars such that he doesn't have line of sight on you. No line of sight = can't attack you. Has worked like a charm for me and everyone I know. He'll go aggro when you try to pluck scale, but since he can't see you, he can't attack. So just pluck away at him til you get update. After you get it you can evac, or gate or just simply wait for him to go back to NPC mode (less than a minute), since he sees invis while in mob mode. *additional hint* you can walk to the balcony on top of him, scroll the camera view out, and pluck his scales that way - no need to worry about any aggro or sleeping.''#Return to Fuzzmin. He gives you a [[Rusty Wurmslayer]] as a reward and tells you to go look for a weaponsmith to repair it for you.
#Go to the [[Hidden Refuge]] in [[Tenebrous Tangle]]. Behind the waterfall to the east is [[an old man (Weaponsmith Master)|an old man]]. Speak to him and ask how to repair the weapon Fuzzmin gave to you. Be very friendly and cooperative in your conversation. If you say the wrong thing the old man will grow tired of the conversation and you will have to start over.
#He will give you a (level 50 artisan) recipe for an [[Oak-shafted Wurmslayer (Recipe Book)|Oak-shafted Wurmslayer]] and send you to get [[a beautiful oak shaft]]. Oak shaft can be found in the [[Sanctum of the Scaleborn]] above {{loc|23|121|307}} where you found [[Gylton]]. Take the ramp at the south end of Gylton's room to the uppermost room. At the top of the platform above the pit there is a chest. Examine the chest to get the oak shaft.
