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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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156 байт добавлено, 05:29, 6 июля 2009
Although there are stories of the scrying stones costing a lot more early in the game, these reports are unsubstantiated rumor. We suspect people are confusing the price of stones with the price of an entire stack of stones and the relative investment return rate on scrying during a time when stacks were small, gold was scarce, and people were very new to the game.
==The StonesГадальные камни==[[imageФайл:scrying_stone_iconГадальный камень (иконка).gifjpg|right]]To use the scrying rainbow lights, you need scrying stonesДля гадания в местах сияний вам нужен [[гадальный камень]]. These are sold for Его продают по {{Coin|||10}} each by two merchantsдва торговца, one each on the docks of один в [[The Thundering SteppesГромовые Степи|Громовых Степях]] and и один в [[Nektulos ForestЛес Нектулос|Лесу Нектулос]]. Choose the correct merchant for your alignment Выбирайте торговца согласно своего мировоззрения (good or evilдобрый или злой персонаж):
*Good-aligned playersдля добрых персонажей: [[Liets RolyatЛьетс Ролят]], a Ratonga on the docks in на пристани [[The Thundering SteppesГромовые Степи|Громовых Степей]] nearest the beach недалеко от пляжа {{Loc|-439|-18|-436}}*Evil-aligned playersдля злых персонажей: [[Inaill IcorykИнайл Икорик]], an Iksar on the docks in на пристани в [[Nektulos ForestЛес Нектулос|Лесу Нектулос]] {{Loc|776|2|-152}} Remember, good-aligned players can only purchase from Thundering Steppes and evil-aligned players from Nektulos Forest. If you're going to be using these stones alot, remember where your merchant is; you will be returning often.
==The Rainbow==
12 679
