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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Катакомбы Обреченных

81 байт добавлено, 12:34, 3 июня 2009
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== Предание ==
A long lost portion of the Qeynos Catacombs has been discovered, and with it a horde of dark and vile goblins. The Concordium fears that the catacomb is home to the dark mage, {{Named|Vindiami the Ancient}}, who the [[:Category:Necrosis Goblins (Group)|Necrosis goblin clan]] is attempting to awaken. The Temple of Life has dispatched an emissary into Antonica to investigate the situation and recruit any willing adventurers who would like to assist in ridding the world of these dangerous evils.
См. [[Серия Катакомбы Обреченных]]
==См. также==
*[[Серия Антоника]]
