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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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Серия День Брислбэйна

17 байт добавлено, 04:45, 20 марта 2009
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Happy April Fool's Day (don't take any wooden gold pieces!) and Blessed [[Bristlebane]] Day! Today the Trickster in everyone gets to come out for a little fun, and the dev's have gotten in on the act.
{{rtoc}}Веселого Дня Брислбэйна и с Первым Апреля (не принимайте к оплате деревянные золотые монеты!)==2008==
The {{Quest|Gigglegibber Scavenger Hunt}} is also available from the Hunt Master again this year as well as a new quest starting on [[The Enchanted Lands]] docks. All you have to do is [[Ratical|kill ten ratsКрысобойня]].
===Tin Metal ProtectionМеталлическая защита===[[Image:The Grand Prankster.jpg|thumb|right|The Grand Prankster]]Seek out [[Blat BerisenБлэт Беризен]], camped outside of South Qeynos in Antonica, on the Green Knoll outside Kelethin, just outside West Freeport in Commonlands, and north of the Gorowyn Beach Outpost in Timorous Deep to start this year's Bristlebane quest line (there may be other places for other cities) . You'll be finishing the following quests, all of which scale to your level and give AA:#[[Tin Metal ProtectionМеталлическая защита]]#[[Card DealsКарточные дела]]#[[Ogled GogglesВожделенные розовые очки]]#[[Wine for the LadyВино для дамы]]#[[Fribles's FateУчасть Фриблса]]
You'll start the first quest and then start each of the others in order. Once you receive the final quest, you'll complete them in reverse order (they're short delivery quests and take little time). Bring some running shoes!
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