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Старый Фрипорт

2553 байта добавлено, 11:23, 16 июня 2008
Новая: '''Bold text'''Category:Cities right Current theories suggest that Freeport was founded on the remnants of a small Tier'Dal out...
'''Bold text'''[[Category:Cities]]
[[image:City of freeport.jpg|right]]
[[Freeport's Creation|Current theories]] suggest that Freeport was founded on the remnants of a small Tier'Dal outpost at one end of the continent of Old [[Antonica]]. That outpost supposedly grew in size enough to become a small village named Weille. According to those same theories, Weille eventually came to be called Landing after [[Aataltaal]] encouraged it to grow and prosper. It was likely not until the [[The Age of Turmoil (Lore)|Age of Turmoil]] that the city began to be known as Freeport.

The city is made up of a number of "villages" where various different races live; [[Big Bend]], where [[Ogre]]s and [[Troll]]s reside; [[Stonestair Byway]], where you can find [[Erudite]]s and [[Kerran]]s; [[Temple Street]], littered with [[Gnome]]s and [[Ratonga]]; [[Beggar's Court]] is where [[Human]]s and [[Half Elf|Half Elves]] live; [[Longshadow Alley]] where only [[Dark Elf|Dark Elves]] live; and finally, [[Scale Yard]] for [[Barbarian]]s and [[Iksar]].

[[image:Freeport - The Heart of Darkness.jpg|thumb|right|Freeport - The Heart of Darkness]]
[[image:Freeport Map.jpg|thumb|right|Map of Freeport]]

==City Zones==
*[[North Freeport]] - Overlord's Palace, [[The Dismal Rage (Faction)|The Dismal Rage]] (Priests), and [[The Academy of Arcane Science (Faction)|The Academy of Arcane Science]] (Mages)
*[[South Freeport]] - [[The Seafury Buccaneers (Faction)|The Seafury Buccaneers]] (Scouts)
*[[West Freeport]] - [[The Freeport Militia (Faction)|The Freeport Militia]] (Fighters), City Gate to [[Commonlands|The Commonlands]]
*[[East Freeport]] - City Docks, Harbormaster's Office

*[[Longshadow Alley]] - off North Freeport, home to Dark Elves
*[[Temple Street]] - off South Freeport, home to Ratonga and Gnomes
*[[Scale Yard]] - off South Freeport, home to Iksar and Barbarians
*[[Big Bend]] - off South Freeport, home to Ogres and Trolls
*[[Stonestair Byway]] - off North Freeport, home to Kerrans and Erudites
*[[Beggar's Court]] - off North Freeport, home to Humans and Half Elves

==Adjacent Zones==
*[[Graveyard|The Graveyard]] - from Longshadow Alley, Stonestair Byway, Sunken City, and [[Commonlands]]
*[[Sunken City]] - from The Graveyard and by boat
*[[Sprawl|The Sprawl]] - from Big Bend, Scale Yard, The Ruins, Serpent Sewer and [[Commonlands]]
*[[Ruins|The Ruins]] - from The Sprawl and by boat

*[[The Thieves' Way]] - from all zones
*[[Serpent Sewer]] - from Thieves' Way or The Sprawl
*[[Edgewater Drains]] from Serpent Sewer
