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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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Консольные команды

637 байт добавлено, 13:16, 29 января 2009
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==Добыча и инвентарь==
*/random x y - where где x and и y are two numbers (often 1 and 100)определяют верхнюю и нижнюю границы, rolls a random number between x and y; can be used with any sequential number combinationвнутри которых выдается случайное число*/get_coins - shows the amounts of platinumвыводит сообщение о количестве имеющихся у персонажа денег (платины, goldзолота, silver and copper you possessсеребра и меди)*/togglebags - toggles your bags between open and closedоткрывает или закрывает носимые сумки*/weaponstats - Displays weapon statistics and proc rates factoring current character attributes for all wielded weaponsвыводит сообщение по параметрам и эффектам используемого оружия и уровень проков, влияющих на эти параметры
Directional Commands==Команды местонахождения==
*/way x, y, z or или /waypoint x, y, z - leads you to the location x, y, z in your current zoneотображает точку с указанными координатами на карте и включает световую дорожку к этой точке*/l or или /loc - shows your current coordinatesвыводит сообщение с указанием текущих координат
Pet Commands==Команды управления петом==
*/pet attack - pet will attack your current target*/pet backoff - pet will cease attacking its target*/pet stay - pet will stop following you and remain where it is*/pet follow - pet will follow you*/pet report - pet will announce his health in a percentage*/pet guardme - pet will guard and follow you*/pet guardhere - pet will guard its current location*/pet who - pet will announce its master*/pet getlost - pet will disappear*/pet preserve_master - pet will protect you*/pet preserve_self - pet will protect itself*/pet melee - pet will use melee attack*/pet ranged - pet will use ranged attack*/pet hide - pet will hide*/petname Name - Name of the next pet you summon
Combat Commands==Команды боя==
*/useability - casts specified spell*/toggleautoattack - turns melee attack on or off*/togglerangedattack - turns ranged attack on or off*/autoattack 0 - stops all autoattack*/autoattack 1 - force melee autoattack*/autoattack 2 - force ranged autoattack*/cl - clears current spell/ability queue*/cancel_spellcast - cancels the the spell currently being cast*/useabilityonrt spellname - casts spellname on the last person who sent you a /tell, doesn't change target
*/useabilityonplayer playername spellname
Hate Meter==Агрометр==
*'/togglethreatwindow - toggles the hate meter off and on
Targeting Commands==Команды цели==
*/target - targets specified character*/assist - targets specified character's target*/assist - targets your current target’s target*/target_group_member 0 - will target group member 1, not yourself, first in group window*/target or /target_self - will target yourself*/show_window mainHUD.ImpliedTarget - opens window showing who your target is targeting, good for healers and tanks. Note: This command is case sensitive.*/target_pet - Target your own pet*/target_group_pet <#> - Target a group member's pet (<#> = 0 to 4, 0 being the first group member in the order shown in the group window)*/target_previous
UI Commands==Команды пользовательского интерфейса==
*/load_uisettings - let's you load any of your characters' UI settings to your current character.*/loadui - lets you a new UI skin
Miscellaneous Commands==Прочие команды==
*/savehotkeys - This will store the current hotbars (not positions, but all the commands inside the hotbars). Can have multiple different names on the saved hotbars, such as solo, group, melee, raid, etc..*/loadhotkeys - This will load a saved hotbar set.*/playsound - Plays 2d sounds locally. Type /playsound (no parameter) for a list of sounds you can play.
