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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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Plane of Innovation (PQ)

Нет изменений в размере, 18:11, 26 декабря 2017
#*Some people are gathering batteries and charging them. Others are downstairs flipping three switches to reconnect the battery charger.
#*If you get a battery, go toward the location of the Junk beast, along the north wall, there is a battery charger which should be labeled "Status Charged ---------" if it is ready. Right click and select charge battery. Double check the battery in your bags is now glowing gold and tooltip says it is charged. THEN go to the Junk Beast's location and click on him, then in your bags r-click and use the battery.
*#**The Junk Beast requires 18 charges before it can be activated and defeated. (One wonders, maybe we should let sleeping dogs lie, no? mmm...No.) *#*If you are downstairs you will need to recharge the battery often. Take a healer and another person to dps the mobs down there. Some mobs will leash, so if you're a small group, don't stop until you get to the room with the levers.*#**Hover over the battery charger (looks a lot like the travel doohickey for Plane of Magic), it will say something like 010001100, which would be more clear if it was 010 001 100, that's the order of the switches (THIS time, it can be another order next time, it's commonly 2,3,1 or 3,1,2).*#**Message: Lever 1 has reset,(etc) - means you need to recharge the battery*#**Message: Lever 2 is connected - means you succeeded in connecting a lever, however, if it is instantly followed by a message about reset, then it was the wrong one. You might get a shock and be rooted for a bit. *#*After 18 batteries are charged and used on the Junk Beast, the next person to click the battery charger will PORT everyone in the zone who isn't nearby up to the room with the Junk Beast, and the final battle is waged. NOTE: If you arrive late and are ported before you've helped defeat any other mobs, you will NOT get credit. Helping with only the Junk Beast is not enough to get a specimen for Dr. Arcana.
== Награда ==
