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Maran Swine

1120 байт добавлено, 17:18, 26 августа 2017
Новая страница: «{{EquipInformation |icon = {{PAGENAME}} иконка.png |desc = Attendant Rish used to joke about this beastie being 'breakfast' or a 'sandwich' ever…»
|icon = {{PAGENAME}} иконка.png
|desc = Attendant Rish used to joke about this beastie being 'breakfast' or a 'sandwich' every time he would pass by... until it grabbed him and tried to pull him into the cage. It's docile around everyone else, but it knew what Rish was doing. Much smarter than it looks.
|iname =
|idesc = Призванный {{PAGENAME}}
|iname2 =
|icat = ц
|flags = не перед.

|effectlist = Summon Familiar: {{PAGENAME}}
|effectdesc = *Applies Summon Familiar: {{PAGENAME}} when Activated.
** Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
** Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
** Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
** Summons a pet {{PAGENAME}}

|slots = Талисман
|charges = *
|charmopt = *
|casting = 1,0 сек.
|recovery = Мгновенно
|duration = До отмены
|recast = 0,0 сек.

|classes = -
|level = 1
|itemlink = \aITEM -1257837261 -1588919774:Maran Swine\/a
|obtain =

[[Категория: Фамильяры (тип снаряжения)]]
