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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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A Weapon to Slay the Gods Themselves

2979 байт добавлено, 19:16, 11 февраля 2017
Новая страница: «{{QuestInformation| timeline = Эпическое оружие 2.0 для разведчиков| jcat = Особенное задание| level = 108|…»
timeline = Эпическое оружие 2.0 для разведчиков|
jcat = Особенное задание|
level = 108|
diff = Героическое|
szone = *|
patch = Kunark Ascending|
aaexp = |
prereq = Nonsense Is Better Than No Sense At All|
start = Изучите {{Item|a finely decorated book}} - награду за задание [[Find Your Way Home]]|
next = ? |
altname = |
<br />{{translate}}

== Предварительные требования ==
* Вы должны иметь 9-й уровень любого класса [[:Категория:Ascension|Вознесения (Ascension)]].
* {{info}}

== Прохождение ==
# {{steps}}

== Награда ==
* Менестрель
** [[The Awakened Lamentation of the Intrepid]] \aITEM 1633048957 -812696388:The Awakened Lamentation of the Intrepid\/a
** [[Anthem of Battle (Apprentice)]] \aITEM 661952460 -402345376:Anthem of Battle (Apprentice)\/a
** [[Anthem of War (Apprentice)]] \aITEM -271738152 -411694191:Anthem of War (Apprentice)\/a
* Трубадур
** [[The Awakened Ayonic Axe]] \aITEM 724641274 776369152:The Awakened Ayonic Axe\/a
** [[Maelstrom of Sound (Apprentice)]] \aITEM -1318469877 462713875:Maelstrom of Sound (Apprentice)\/a
** [[Impassioned Rousing (Apprentice)]] \aITEM 474167112 -475838536:Impassioned Rousing (Apprentice)\/a
* Убийца
** [[The Awakened Fang of Ichor]] \aITEM 453800305 -58900852:The Awakened Fang of Ichor\/a
** [[Shadow Trickery (Apprentice)]] \aITEM -538732826 -735548455:Shadow Trickery (Apprentice)\/a
** [[Shadow Agent (Apprentice)]] \aITEM 459131388 -1787568131:Shadow Agent (Apprentice)\/a
* Следопыт
** [[The Awakened Eagle's Talon]] \aITEM 1873826534 -1192176542:The Awakened Eagle's Talon\/a
** [[Unfetter (Apprentice)]] \aITEM -1799620675 -894662039:Unfetter (Apprentice)\/a
** [[Heartseeker (Apprentice)]] \aITEM -1947863052 -1991254701:Heartseeker (Apprentice)\/a
* Разбойник
** [[The Awakened Havoc, Blade of Treachery]] \aITEM -276634728 1006342270:The Awakened Havoc, Blade of Treachery\/a
** [[Crimson Swath (Apprentice)]] \aITEM -834314892 584131442:Crimson Swath (Apprentice)\/a
** [[Riot (Apprentice)]] \aITEM -1070404070 1254828560:Riot (Apprentice)\/a
* Головорез
** [[The Awakened Charm's Way]] \aITEM -2085100308 -1846300992:The Awakened Charm's Way\/a
** [[Privateer's Flourish (Apprentice)]] \aITEM 1317442216 -1804257338:Privateer's Flourish (Apprentice)\/a
** [[Ruthless Finesse (Apprentice)]] \aITEM -1862606033 339514919:Ruthless Finesse (Apprentice)\/a
* Повелитель зверей
** [[The Awakened Claws of Khati Sha]] \aITEM -649475647 -2129923299:The Awakened Claws of Khati Sha\/a
** [[Savage Allies (Apprentice)]] \aITEM -350176550 1571638887:Savage Allies (Apprentice)\/a
** [[Altered Beast (Apprentice)]] \aITEM -1061217029 963757650:Altered Beast (Apprentice)\/a
