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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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The Final Blow

4211 байт добавлено, 13:58, 8 ноября 2016
Новая страница: «{{Test}} {{QuestInformation| timeline = Ремесло в Kunark Ascending| jcat = Ремесло| level = 100| diff = | szone = Obulus Frontie…»
timeline = Ремесло в Kunark Ascending|
jcat = Ремесло|
level = 100|
diff = |
szone = Obulus Frontier|
patch = Kunark Ascending|
aaexp = |
prelist = [[Stranger Friends]]<BR>[[Choose the Slug Life]]<BR>[[Не узнаешь, пока не попробуешь]]|
start = Speak with [[Brytthel]]|
next = |
displaytl= y|
altname = |
== Прохождение ==
#Speak with [[Soothsayer Shanks]] in [[Twark]] {{loc|270|-173|-746}}
#Return to [[Brytthel]]
#Consult the knowledge of sarnaks
##Поговорите с [[Researcher Thelzik Ku'Rok]] in [[Нафсарские Болота]] {{loc|1164|203|1536}} в [[Караульная Бригады Батезида]]
##Recieve [[The Art of Killing Iksar (Book with missing pages)]] or [[Dag the Blasphemer (Book with missing pages)]] (Armorer) or [[The Legend of Dalnir (Book with missing pages)]] (Carpenter) at the end of the converstaion
#Find enough information to help me create a recipe
#*Complete the Collection [[The Art of Killing Iksar]] or [[Dag the Blasphemer]] or [[The Legend of Dalnir]]
#*While most pages are trackable ground spawns, some require clicking bookcases.
#I must work with other artisans to gather the items I'll need to enter Dalnir's crypt
##Get an [[Incense Dispenser]] - from [[Carpenter]]
##Get an [[Illusion: Mummified Ganak Noble]] - from [[Alchemist]] or [[Sage]]
##Get a replica of the [[Overseer's Sword]] - from [[Armorer]] or [[Weaponsmith]]
##Get a replica of the [[Overseer's Shield]] - from [[Armorer]]
##*''Note: can be purchased from broker''
#Enter the [[Crypt of Dalnir: Baron's Workshop (Tradeskill)]] in [[Obulus Frontier]] near [[Twark]] (use the [[Twark Transport Totem]] to get there swiftly).
#Find and speak to [[Haggle Baron Dalnir]]
##Turn the statue on the right
##*Use the Illusion to get past the iksar
##*Use the Incense to kill the ghosts, only works within 12m of mob
##Destroy the first wall at {{loc|-764|26|19}} (looks like a window in the hallway, inset into the hallway wall) and destroy the obulus vase on the right inside to receive [[a crypt key]]
##Go through the left door and down to the goo area, fish in the "accumulation of goo" for till you find [[overseer's key]]
##*''Note: the green slime water will kill you''
##Go to the door at {{loc|-198|27|-328}}
##Turn left to the statue
##Place the shield on the west stand and the sword on the east stand
##Go through the door and speak with [[Haggle Baron Dalnir]]
#Craft [[Rune Conduit]]
#*Can be crafted at one of the three "Dalnir's Forge" and requires items from the two side-rooms:
#**imbued tynonnium - ''metal staff on the table''
#**Dalnir's smithing hammer - ''from the chest at {{loc|-278|26|-441}}''
#**dust of the ethernere - ''from small bag on a table''
#**blessed water - ''from "container of water"''
#**2 Dalnir's infused coal - from "a bin of infused coal"
#Return to [[Brytthel]]
#Enter the [[Arcanna'se Spire: Into The Spire (Tradeskill)]] in [[Таламбра, Вечная Глубина]]
#There is a upper level find a way to access it
##Prepare the relics
###In the first room on the left is a broken portal, find a way to repair it
###In the library is a scroll "Spire Portal Contruction and Repair" at {{loc|154|3|10}} - ''random loc in the room''
###Craft 3 "Spire Anchor" with "Arcanna'se Workbench" at {{loc|-17|1|-25}}, each requires
###*Arcanna'se precious metal - ''found in the garden (inner ring)''
###*3 arcanna'se hardwood - ''found in the "Hardwood Shrub" (big green bush) in the garden''
###*Candle wax - ''from the room in the far NE'' {{loc|-57|4|32}}, a candle on the table
###Replace the 3 broken spire anchor at {{loc|49|1|11}}
###Use the portal
###Speak with {{NPC|Queen Alwenielle}}
###Complete the quest [[Time is Short]] you received at the end of the conversation
#Return to [[Brytthel]]

== Награда ==
*Мин. {{Coin|6|29|37||}}
*[[Blank Luclinite Rune]]
*Depending on Tradeskill class:
**[[Cloak of the Grandmaster Alchemist]]
**[[Cloak of the Grandmaster Carpenter]]
**[[Cloak of the Grandmaster Sage]]
* {{rewards}}
*Achievement [[The Arcanna'se Crafter]] - {{Status|17,6000}}
