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Riddled Yet Again

209 байт добавлено, 12:47, 1 апреля 2015
#*My life can be measured in hours. I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow. Wind is my foe. What am I?
#**The answer was shipped to the Moors of Ykesha. Get to the landing zone by bell, spire or druid ring.
#**The answer is a candle. Find it on a desk at *Ответ - свеча, возьмите ее на столе(1679, 454, 804 in the Dropship Landing Zone) в зоне [[Топи Йкеши]] в Зоне Высадки.#*Return to Imenand in Enchanted LandsВернитесь к Именанду и разыщите еще один предмет.
#*Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
#**Find your answer among the kerra of Sundered Frontier[[Расколотый Рубеж]]. The safest route is to travel there via wizard spire.
#**If you have no flying mount and haven't been here before: Once in Sundered Frontier, take the teleporter at 2061, -239, 2711 to Paineel, then right-click on the same teleporter in Paineel and choose to go to the Launch Pad. Speak to the Temporal Guide and choose to travel to the Kerra Isle Station.
#**The answer is a fire*Ответ - огонь. Find it near the launchpad at Найдите костер на Острове Керра в зоне [[Расколотый Рубеж]] -(1309, 14, 2330)
#Поговорите со сфинксом, чтобы получить заслуженную награду.
