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Серия Изморозье

3 байта добавлено, 14:48, 8 декабря 2008
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Frostfell 2008, now on Test, features a new solo quest, and a Heroic quest series. There's new Frostfell trees (including a special one just for residents of Neriak and Freeport), new crafted goodies, new quest rewards! We also see the return of all the previous Frostfell quests, including the original Frostfell quest, The Tale of the Gigglegibber Grump.
 === Задания === * Lost Frostfell Gifts (Scales, Guide quest) ========== * Toes: Frost-bitten Toes (Collection, Pre-requisite:) ========== * Ice Dragon series =====** Mission Improbable... (Scales, Heroic)** It's Time to Sleigh the Dragon! (Scales, Heroic)** Covering Your Snow Tracks! (Scales, Heroic, repeatable)
Sparkling Hardened Ice Breastplate - Plate armor
=== Decoration Additions===
Each of the quests below, gives you a Frostfell tree. You can do any of them (provided you can run around without getting killed) but you can only do one of them, so choose wisely!
