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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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32 байта добавлено, 19:42, 18 ноября 2012
*Разыщите трех НПС и поговорите с ними. Для обновления задания необходимо выбирать правильные опции диалога.
**Jelik: {{Loc|-80, |6, |11|uid=}}
***Выбирайте Why? Why can't you stand?
***Выбирайте And how do you feel now?
***Выбирайте I'm afraid not. You've come to Ethernere. The sickness has overcome your mortal self.
***Выбирайте There is a group of people just near here that might be able to help you understand your new world. Seek them out.
**Clurrg: {{Loc|118, |18, |21 |uid=}}
***Выбирайте What was the last thing you were doing?
***Выбирайте Tell me what happened next.
***Выбирайте You fought bravely, and you will be remembered on Norrath.
***Выбирайте There you are. Welcome back. Yes, you are in Ethernere now. There is a camp not far from here that can provide you with some safety. Seek them out.
**Fellia Groundroot: {{Loc|164, |-6, |263|uid=}}
***Выбирайте In a manner of speaking. Tell me about yours.
***Выбирайте Only you can answer that.
