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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Двор Истины: Загадка Сфинкса

108 байт убрано, 09:36, 8 августа 2011
Правильные ответы на зазадки
Что слишком велико одному, достаточно для двоих, но превращается в ничто для всех? -- '''Секрет
*Что бывает черным, когда ты это покупаешь, красным, когда используешь, и белым, когда выбрасываешь? -- '''Уголь
*Кто утром ходит на четырех ногах, днем - на двух, а вечером - на трех? -- '''Человек
У меня две руки, но нет пальцев. У меня две ноги, но я не могу бегать. Что это? -- '''тачка (a wheelbarrow)
A warrior amongst the flowers,He bears a thrusting sword.Able and ready to use,To guard his golden hoard.-- '''Bees.
Voiceless it cries,Wingless flutters,Toothless bites,Mouthless mutters.-- '''Wind
Never quite what I first seem to be A mystery to all who examine me Clues I have, for those with wit A puzzle with pieces that cannot fit.-- '''Riddle
What is everyone in the world doing the same?-- '''Growing older
What starts with "e" ends with "e" and contains only one letter-- '''envelope
I dance and breathe and can even deceive.I am not alive, yet watch how I thrive.Do not come too near or I will eat you my dear.What am I?-- '''Fire
The man who buys it doesn't want it, The man who makes it doesn't use it, The man who uses it doesn't even know he's using it. What is it?-- '''a coffin
I can see but have no eyes, I can hear but have no ears, I can smell but have no nose, I am boundless but am confined, I can feel love, happiness ,sorrow and pain but yet I feel nothing. What am I?-- '''mind
What is the beginning of eternity, and the end of time and space. The beginning of every place.-- '''E
What has no legs but can stand up high, What has no cloak but can wear a hood?-- '''snake
 There is something that is nothing, but it has a name. It joins our walks; it joins our talks; it plays in every game. What is it?-- '''Your Shadow.Не удалось получить часть медальона с трупа.(Проходил соло).
*[[Ishara's piece of a broken medallion]]
*[[Band of Truth]]
