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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Серия Восточные Пустоши

3 байта добавлено, 21:05, 24 февраля 2011
Ry'Gorr Keep
==[[Ry'Gorr Keep]]==
The seat of leadership for the once proud clan of orcs, Ry'Gorr Keep, has been shaken by the recent power shifts within the forces of Kael Drakkel and the unmasked subjugation by the Kromzek giants. Unrest simmers within the keep.
===[[Miyau]] at -783,-343,2801===
*[91] [[An Otter Way Out]] - available after completing Brothers in the Hills; sends you to Nipik's Haven
==[[Убежище Нипика]]==
