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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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Серия Великий Разлом

948 байт добавлено, 01:07, 14 января 2011
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==Ремесленная серия==
*[90] [[Meet the Locals]] - [[Matthew]]
==Серия летающего маунта==
This is not a walkthrough for the quests, just a simple order of quests you gotta do to actually unlock the quest that will get you the flying mount.
Go to Goahmari Village, speak with Billie, do his quest line, its either 2 or 3 quests, all easily done. Once completed, go and speak with Gyatso, he will ask you to also complete 2 or 3 quests. Once completed, he will let you access the cave that you see right in front of him. Go inside and run to the bottom, speak with Norbu. Do his quest line, 2-3 quests. Once completed, you will get the mount.
Now that you have the mount you will be asked to take care of it, to do this, you click on the griffon, choose a quest that you would like to do. Once completed, you wont be able to do one again before the next day (1 quest per day, earth time). Once done you will have your flying mount.
Thats it. All NPC's needed can be found in the village.
