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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Скорбящие дети Герцога

1878 байт добавлено, 20:52, 5 ноября 2010
Новая страница: «{{QuestInformation| timeline = Брелл Сериллис| displaytl = y| jcat = Божество| level = 55| diff = Героический| szone...»
timeline = Брелл Сериллис|
displaytl = y|
jcat = Божество|
level = 55|
diff = Героический|
szone = Горы Батчерблока|
patch = Echoes of Faydwer|
prereq = Искатель утерянной веры|
start = поговорите с [[Бронлор Молот Бури]] у башни грифонов {{loc|334|189|506}}|
next =

# A number of kobolds have been enslaved by the Bloodhorn minotaurs. The minotaurs have stolen the kobolds' Serilian totems and placed them deep within the Bloodhorn mines in the [[Steamfont Mountains]]. Without the totems, the kobolds are unable to conduct their sacred rituals honoring Brell. The god wishes you to recover the three stolen totems. Travel to the Bloodhorn Mines. Entrances are located at {{loc|-1230|95|1085}} and {{loc|-1300|95|1055}}. Gathering the totems will break invisibility and stealth.
#* The first totem may be harvested at {{loc|-1330|75|1280}}. Right in front of [[Ombra'nadinid]], a 43^^^ rock monster.
#* The second totem may be harvested at {{loc|-1450|80|1150}}.
#* The third totem may be harvested at {{loc|-1460|95|965}}.
#Return the totems to Bronlor.
# Travel to [[Gnomeland Security Headquarters]] in the [[Steamfont Mountains]] and meet with a gnome there, {{NPC|Deviser Obin Prayerbolt}} {{loc|-635|175|1095}}. Brell has heard Obin's prayers and is sending you to be the answer Obin needs.
#* Go to [[Klak'Anon]] and find the 55^^^ malfunctioning Bibliotecha 1000 Clockwork {{loc|-230|-10|-60}} that holds the gnomes' holy ''Manual of the Chief Engineer''. It is below the Clockwork Commons.
#* Return to Obin Prayerbolt {{loc|-635|175|1095}}.

* {{Faction|Brell Serilis|+5,000|Quest}}
* Summon: [[Underfoot Attendant]]
* Blessing: [[Earth's Vigil]]
* Miracle: [[Forgehammer]]
