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4713 байт добавлено, 13:25, 28 апреля 2010
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*Ожидаемая дата установки на игровые сервера: май 2010г.
==Патч тест-сервера 28 апреля==
* Qeynos and Freeport have been disabled as starting cities.
* Mounts will now be temporarily suspended while in combat.
===Пользовательский интерфейс===
* Mouse buttons that are bound to hotbar keys will now have shorter forms of their text displayed according to the hotbar settings.
===Система перемещений===
* Taking the flight path from Urdu should now properly zone you into the Palace of the Ancient One.
===Сюжетная линия===
* You can now filter out completed storylines.
* The storyline quests icons have tooltips that describe if that quest has been completed, is active, of if you have not picked up the quest yet.
* Double clicking a quest in the storyline window will open the quest journal to that quest.
* Double clicking a quest in the quest helper will open the quest journal to that quest, even if you had the storyline window open.
* Storylines are color coded by status:
**Gold indicates that you have not picked up any quests for this storyline.
**White indicates you have made some progress in this storyline even if it is just picking up the first quest in it.
**Grey indicates you have completed all quests in this storyline.
* The quest “Unbearable Problem” now updates from all blizzard grizzlies.
* Crushinator now advances the quest “Arcane Elements”.
* Players can now pick up the quest “Cod and Chips”.
* Odon Scourgeson will now allow you to turn in his quest "Watch Out Below!" when you are repeating it.
* Knut Orcbane will now allow you to turn in his quest "Becoming Another Orcbane" when you are repeating it.
* The crustose sporetenders triggered for the quest “Campside Spores” now despawn after 45 seconds.
* The stolen Cragged Spine supply crates now disappear after you completed the quest “Clan of the Cave Imps.”
* The “Tusked animal helm” is now consumed when you accept the quest it offers, “Bearly Recognizable Item.”
* Jaisen Tutwhittle now has a quest icon for the quest “Tusked animal helm.”
* The quest "The Icemanes Commeth" is now spelled "Cometh."
* You can now leash up to 4 icemane cubs at a time with the icemane cub leash for the quest “The Icemanes Cometh.”
* Verien Skysigh now has a quest icon when you are ready to turn in the quest “The Icemanes Cometh.”
* Verien Skysigh now has a quest icon when you are ready to turn in the quest “The Icemanes Cometh.”
* Harvesting tutorial quest now gives a harvesting bag when you start it, and the reward box is now heirloom.
* Some fixes to the Vision of Valor quest, including that you can no longer zone into the vision before planting the seeds.
* The scraggly shrubs gathered for the quest "Scraggly Foodstuffs" now use the hand icon on mouse over.
* The quest “Ride Upon the Gwenevyn ll” can no longer be gated if the player has already completed "Beets the Alternative." Adventurers in this state can speak with Verien Skysigh to complete the quest.
* The quest “Highly Flammable Materials” now directs the player to obtain the Ry'Gorr firepit torch before directing them to burn down the Ry'Gorr encampments.
* The Ry'Gorr ambushers should attack much more consistently, and stay engaged for the quest "Flame On!"
===[[Лаборатория Кошмаров Парра'Цельса]]===
* Arkatanthis’ benthic warlord adds will try and pick a more balanced group of 3 players when they spawn during the challenge mode encounter.
* The guildhall hunter hireling now has a chance to bring back level 70 and 80 meats for provisioning use, in addition to pelts.
===Альтернативные достижения===
* Rhythmic Overture and Victorious Concerto can now have their duration and reuse modified.
* Bane Warding can no longer trigger if it has triggered within the past second. It can no longer be modified and cannot critically hit.
* Ancient Invigoration now regenerates every two seconds rather than every three seconds.
* Divine Guidance now has a shorter duration rather than less triggers in PVP Combat.
* Stonewill now has reduced amounts rather than a reuse time in PVP Combat.
* Crustose Sporetenders now respawn much faster!
* The number of icemane cubs within the Icemane plains have been increased.
* Some books have been added at Glacierbane's Vault in New Halas.
* New Halas guards are now on their own faction (Hammer's Wrath) and allow for players of questionable alignment to enter the city and quest camps, unhindered.
* The sprinting Ry'Gorr gatecallers are no longer using stealth to hide themselves.
==Патч тест-сервера 24 апреля==
12 679
