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1191 байт добавлено, 11:52, 7 февраля 2010
As a young adult, Tifanah would be exalted by Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane to become the demigoddess of an extension of the Plane of Mischief, the Sphere of Illusions. She would take the title "Maiden of Masks" and was said to be especially protective of young women who sought their own role in life, and not the one intended for them by others. Young children who had tearfully lost a beloved parent sometimes found a small masquerade mask under their pillow in the morning, or spoke of a beautiful masked lady who hugged them and let them cry in the middle of the night.
===Tholuxe Paells - God of Lust===
Next to nothing is known about Tholuxe Paells other than his dominion and status as a demi god of the Norrathian Pantheon. Like other lesser known gods most know the name simply via its usage as a server name for Everquest. Almost nothing about Tholuxe appears in game, though there is limited information to be had, however this information does not meet the normal standards for being canon lore as it comes from the short lived EQ pen and paper RPG. Most of the information from that source is generally correct or close as it supposedly comes from the old lore files from when Everquest was originally a DnD campaign world, but it can contradict current canon lore in some cases and therefore is generally not regarded as canon lore. However since so little about Tholuxe Paells can be found anywhere else, the RPG info is presented here as a filler.
Tholuxe Paells is a minor god who rarely appears in Norrthian religious texts. Some gypsies create and sell charms supposedly carrying Paells' blessing to mak others desire the wearer. Practictioners of the oldest profession offer prayers to Tholuxe as well. Tholuxe is considered chaotic neutral.
===Ullkorruuk The Lady of Betrayal===
