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Книга жалоб и предложений разработчикам

4166 байт добавлено, 17:45, 10 ноября 2009
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Ниже приводится перевод сообщений, который размещен в специальной ветке официального форума разработчиков. Будем надеяться, что самые новаторские идеи буду реализованы в самой игре и она станет еще лучше и интереснее :)
=Art, visual effects, character appearance=
==Zone art==
*There’s no seasons like winter, summer etc. in the game. Would be great to have it in common zones like Antonica, Commonlands etc.
*Character select screen needs some new art – some people voted for the version with the ship, while others ask for something fresh
==Character appearance==
*Long-time problem with hairs under the caps, hats etc. Also need more new haircuts.
*Long-time problem with torn arms when a char jumps.
*Add some class specific adjustments to humanoid races – mages shouldn’t be the same body-builders like fighters for example.
*Sarnaks need something to cover their heads with. If there are some technical problems due to their shape – add race specific items.
*Barbarian and dwarf females should have a smaller chest (they tend to fall forward or have to lean back all the time), while gnome ladies would appreciate at list something popping up form their flat bodies. Why not to make it customized when a character is created?
*Glasses, whiskers etc. Ratongas lose their whiskers putting on a hood, gnomes lose glasses under hoods but have it above Halloween mask and assassin’s class helm.
*Add “sleeping” pose for chars – they can stand, sit and move in different ways but can’t lay down nicely unless when killed
*Fae and Arasai should better stand on the flying carpets, not hover over them
*More fun skills with the appropriate art – mages studying books, bards playing musical instruments…
*Need to add fae and arasai illusions
*Add new quest series to get a vampire look. It shouldn’t be a completely different appearance but specific changes to the existing one – reddish eyes, pale skin, bigger canine teeth
*Long-time problem with illusions not being displayed while riding mounts.
*Make the fun illusions always displayed over the class illusions, or make it customable. Now a fury keeps wolf/tiger shape even after putting on the Halloween scarecrow illusion.
*Add illusions for certain body parts – like a claw or hook replacing one arm, wooden leg etc.
*Give players more monster illusions – dragons, wargs etc…
*Class specific visual armor sets. Acquired from class mentors or thru completing quest series.
*Class specific mounts, i.e. daemonic horse for necromancers, wolf (not warg) or bear for druids, pegasus for paladins etc.
*More mounts from the EQII bestiary – manticores, elephants, viverns, spiders. That would better fit the role-playing needs of the gamers.
*While hovering thru zones let the flying chars or those on flying carpets not to use the standard mounts (sokokars, griffons etc.) but hover on their own.
*New faction outfit
*More of a pirate-style items
*More of the dark soul items – with blood, skulls etc.
*Wings from the Shard of Love – add some varieties in different colors
*Give females characters high-hill s shoes please. And the footwear that is not ugly looking with dresses
*Self-dyed cloths
*Make the jewellery visible on the toons. Female characters will appreciate it greatly, some males too.
*Please remove class specific constrains for appearance wear. A great robe from Varsoon fits mages only, brawlers have awesome kimonos – make the stuff available for all.
*Add masks that would cover the whole face, just upper (Zorro-style) or lower part, left or right half of the face (Phantom of the opera style). Make them rare, expensive, high-lvl only but not class restricted.
*Madj’Dul stile wear. Add new recipes for those grate jackets and turbans.
*Give the toons shorts to wear.
*Would be great to have not only cloaks but also shields with the guild heraldry.
*The Guild Strategist flags would look much better with the guild heraldry on.
*Deity cloaks should be reworked to become more or less equal and desirable for wear
*Please add more options to place unused weapon and armor in the player’s houses or GH. Probably adding mannequins and special displays for that is not a bad idea.
*Jester’s Cap should have an appropriate animation – something like a semitransparent cap on the spell target, not the caster.
