Обновление 2015.07.24

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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Время установки на Barren Sky и Harla Dar: 03:00 - 05:00 по московскому времени.


Общие изменения

  • Lava will once again...huuuuuuurt.
  • Evils may now return to Antonica from Frostfang Sea via the bell.

Колония Ее Величества

  • Direspike is no longer able to be charmed.
  • Players can now switch to a groupmate's instance by right-clicking their name in the group window.


  • The Finsher IV should now provide the correct amount of potency.
  • Characters with exploited copies of Far Journey Backpack will have them deleted from their inventory.