
Обновленный Фрипорт

1 байт добавлено, 00:13, 6 ноября 2011
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A. We kept the familiar city layout and revised anything that looked out of date. The retaining walls and towers have been reshaped but still kept the heavy bracing and pronged top feel that we felt established Freeport's original design. Some of the older buildings that didn't fit were taken out and replaced with features like fountains, greenery and open plazas. The shapes of most player housing and merchant buildings were updated and re-textured to be less shanty. There's also a central courtyard in the city, directly under Lucan's floating citadel, which also acts as the direct connection between Freeport East, North and West.
 [[Image:Freeport001 2gFreeport002 lg.jpg|right|thumb|400px|]]
Q. Everything looks fantastic! The changes make Freeport seem like a whole new city. Do you have anything else you would like to share with players?