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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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12 байт добавлено, 17:13, 17 ноября 2008
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Lavastorm is a land of unrelenting volcanic activity. One look upon this island and one can clearly see it is a hellish environment that a weary soul could never hope to survive in. The island of Lavastorm is comprised of a series of small volcanoes surrounding the greatest volcano on the face of Norrath; Mount Solusek. The land is like a great spiral staircase leading to Mount Solusek at its core. Steep volcanic mountains and sweltering rivers of lava form a natural barrier to the steppes of this spiraling staircase.
The heat in the air of Lavastorm is nearly unbearable, and the torrid coastal waters boil menacingly. Ash and magma billow from unpredictable vents, spewing darkness and fear from the very depths of the earth. For anything to survive in this harsh environment is astonishing, which speaks of the potential threat and power of Lavastorm's indigenous creatures.
