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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Библиотека Императора

21 байт добавлено, 23:27, 18 июня 2009
Именные мобы
* Tank and spank, had a couple of small adds.
[[Драго]] - the arena fight[[Зал Защитника]]
* Fight Drago in the middle of the room.
* He has a frontal AE that does slashing and divine damage.
* We had him bug for us where we were perma FDd on the floor - we could move around as corpses, but we couldn't target him. Evac'ing did not fix this, but having everyone zone out and back in fixed it.
'''Green Door PuzzleЗеленая дверь'''
[[Image:emperors_atheneum_green_door_puzzle.png jpg| thumb ]]
To leave Drago's room you have to solve the puzzle on the floor at {{Loc|161|10|232}}.
