Вопросы к разработчикам 2009.07.02 — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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Строка 51: Строка 51:
*'''RUS'''Q: What is the future of the game economy? There's a growing disbalance between more and less populated servers - buying the same purchasable item can be a piece of cake on one server and almost just a dream on another with much fewer players and where one's income is very limited. Can we expect any changes?
*'''RUS'''Q: Что станет с игровой экономикой в будущем? Все больше и больше увеличивается дисбаланс на сильно- и малонаселенных серверах - на одном можно не задумываясь купить очень дорогую вещь, а на другом сервере на нее ни за что не хватит средств. Можно ли ждать каких-нибудь изменений?
*A: Экономика вряд ли зависит от ситуации на конкретном сервере и пока у нас нет планов искусственно вмешиваться в такие вопросы, как например, стоимость редких вещей на каком-либо из серверов.
*A: Economies are fairly server specific, and we have no plans to artificially address issues such as rarity on individual servers.
*'''RUS'''Q: Any news about the guild alliances that were discussed some time ago?
*'''RUS'''Q: Есть ли какие-то подвижки по реализации механизма альянсов гильдий?
*A: К сожалению, пока нет никакой новой информации касательно гильдийских альянсов.
*A: Unfortunately, we have no news at this point regarding guild alliances.
Строка 69: Строка 67:
*'''RUS'''Q: Could you please dot all i's and cross all t's regarding the GU51 fame changes. The question is pretty simple - are there plans to change the fame mechanics (or may be even roll back to pre-GU51 state) or no changes are planned for a certain period of time.
*'''RUS'''Q: Можно ли, наконец, расставить все точки над i касательно изменений системы славы, произошедших в ЛУ51. Вопрос очень простой - планируется ли изменить систему набора славы (или даже вернуть старую, до-ЛУ51, систему), или никаких изменений не планируется?
*A: Команда разработчиков, ответственная за игровую механику, сейчас работает над системой славы ПвП, но пока конкретные планы по изменениям озвучивать не будем.
*A: The mechanics team is currently looking into the PvP fame system, no definitive plans at this moment though.
Строка 99: Строка 96:
*'''RUS'''Q: Are there any plans to make the following changes for fury spells that would allow better soloing: Back into the Fray (52) and Return to the Pack (72) could be applied to the fury itself. Porcupine (50)\Urchin (70)\Hedgehog(80) and Call of Storms (65)\Call of Karana (78) would work better is the stun effect is removed
*'''RUS'''Q: Планируются ли следующие изменения в заклинаниях фурий, которые позволят им более уверенно чувствовать себя в игре - Back into the Fray (52) и Return to the Pack (72) сделать применимыми к самой фурии; убрать оглушающие эффеты с заклинаний Porcupine (50)\Urchin (70)\Hedgehog(80) и Call of Storms (65)\Call of Karana (78)?
*A: Как мы уже упоминали на fan faire, когда мы займемся классами хилов, то оглушающие эффекты заклинаний будут пересмотрены. Скорее всего оглушение вообще уберется, но вместо него будет использовано некое другое detrimental penalty.
*A: We mentioned it at fan faire briefly, we will be looking into some of the stun effects while evaluating healers. It is likely the stun will be removed but you will have some sort of other detrimental penalty.

Версия 07:01, 25 августа 2009

Общие темы

  • Q: Does the pushed back schedule and focus on Live mean that classes will actually get full work overs before the expansion launch?
  • A: There are no plans at this time to do complete class workovers before the expansion ships.


  • Q: Will it ever be possible to have guild transfers to different servers?
  • A: We have no plans for transferring full guilds at this time.


  • Q: Can we expect major overhauls to happen with the new expansion or will these matters be implemented in the comming months before the new expansion?
  • A: A racial trait overhaul will be slipping into the game with GU53 or GU54. This overhaul adds enough abilities to provide room for 10 levels of growth. It is also balancing the races out a more to be more specialized in class roles. The adornment and transmuting systems are being looked into. This is a big change however, and will most likely be introduced with the expansion.


  • Q: Will more NPCs find thier voice in future updates and the upcoming expansion?
  • A: The scope of voice work for the new expansion has not been finalized.


  • Q: With the introduction of a new starting city, Halas, could it be possible to get another character slot?
  • A: There are no plans to add an additional character slot at this point.


  • Q: Any plans to merge some normal servers and add in a progression server and a hardmode server?
  • A: We are not planning any server merges [except for the PvP server merge] at this time, and are not planning any special rules servers.


  • Q: In the future, will you introduce small group instances like 3 men instance?
  • A: Creating encounters for different styles of gameplay is something we are always looking at doing when planning future content. At this time there are no plans for 3-man instances, however.


  • Q: With the increase of level cap to 90 what will happen with the experience bonus for number of 80's you have? Will it stay at 80 or move up to number of 90's you have?
  • A: This is based on the current possible max level. When it increases to 90, you will get bonus for the number of level 90 characters on your account.


  • RUSQ: Что станет с игровой экономикой в будущем? Все больше и больше увеличивается дисбаланс на сильно- и малонаселенных серверах - на одном можно не задумываясь купить очень дорогую вещь, а на другом сервере на нее ни за что не хватит средств. Можно ли ждать каких-нибудь изменений?
  • A: Экономика вряд ли зависит от ситуации на конкретном сервере и пока у нас нет планов искусственно вмешиваться в такие вопросы, как например, стоимость редких вещей на каком-либо из серверов.


  • RUSQ: Есть ли какие-то подвижки по реализации механизма альянсов гильдий?
  • A: К сожалению, пока нет никакой новой информации касательно гильдийских альянсов.


  • Q: Can the rally flags display the name of the guild to which they belong?
  • A: Added this to our to-do list. It will probably display on a hover over tooltip.


  • RUSQ: Можно ли, наконец, расставить все точки над i касательно изменений системы славы, произошедших в ЛУ51. Вопрос очень простой - планируется ли изменить систему набора славы (или даже вернуть старую, до-ЛУ51, систему), или никаких изменений не планируется?
  • A: Команда разработчиков, ответственная за игровую механику, сейчас работает над системой славы ПвП, но пока конкретные планы по изменениям озвучивать не будем.


  • Q: With the announcement of the Summoner/Predator changes at FanFair, specifically with regards to the debuff changes. Will these changes be a part of the Feb. 2010 X-Pac or will these changes be tested and released as a part of an upcoming GU? I would hate to think they would only be available for testing in Beta prior to release.
  • A: It is actually summoners and rogues. Predators are not part of the change. Since we are still working out the details of what is changing, we don't have a specific test plan or release date.


  • Q: What is the damage rate of the Befriend Animal line in Ranger AA? A tripple heroic befriended animal gets ground into the mud by a regular, two levels lower mob. Shouldn't the damage rate be equal to that of its level?
  • A: Charmed pets scale like normal pets and their overall strength is more dependent on the tier of the charm spell and not the tier of the npc. Allowing a triple arrow mob to be full strength would be unbalancing.


  • Q: Are there any plans to bring classes of the same archetype in-line somewhat. Also to fix class abilities that are useless, or even when buffed with AA that remain VERY situational. Here is a small list. Inquisitor only, as I cannot speak from another healers perspective sorry. More
  • A: Most classes have 30+ abilities they can use. When you min/max those abilities some are always going to be more valuable than others because of the vast quantity of abilities out there. Improving one will just usually shift this perception around from the one skill to another skill. We will be evaluating some of these abilities over time as balance adjustments are made to the classes.


  • Q: Will Shadowknight's pet be back?
  • A: It is being returned in the form of a pet that doesn't provide any DPS.


  • RUSQ: Планируются ли следующие изменения в заклинаниях фурий, которые позволят им более уверенно чувствовать себя в игре - Back into the Fray (52) и Return to the Pack (72) сделать применимыми к самой фурии; убрать оглушающие эффеты с заклинаний Porcupine (50)\Urchin (70)\Hedgehog(80) и Call of Storms (65)\Call of Karana (78)?
  • A: Как мы уже упоминали на fan faire, когда мы займемся классами хилов, то оглушающие эффекты заклинаний будут пересмотрены. Скорее всего оглушение вообще уберется, но вместо него будет использовано некое другое detrimental penalty.


  • Q: Why??? Will mythical weapons will not be the ‘No.1′ weapon. Why will they be usable as a clicky item to get the unique class-defining abilities, or equippable in a charm slot. People have spent hundreds if not thousands of man hours doing and back flagging there guildes to have in the end what looks like a mythical charm?
  • A: Mythicals have now been the very top end weapons available for two entire expansions. With the coming expansion and level cap raise, mythicals will become considerably easier to acquire, and we would like to give players the opportunity to acquire new weapons from the difficult content we are adding. We recognize that a lot of time has been put into these weapons, and it is not our intent to make them completely obsolete. While there has been a great deal of speculation on what will happen to the mythicals, we have not yet officially announced the changes we will be making.


  • Q: Why does the brawler defensive avatar chestpiece (Wu's Enlightened Chestwraps) have HALF the critical mitigation of all other avatar BPs? This bug made it live when the nerfs planned with GU51 were reverted, and it has persisted for months with no word from the devs.
  • A: The upcoming changes to avatar gear include all breastplates being set to 20 critical mitigation. We were aware that Wu’s breastplate had not been changed, but we were planning to change all the breastplates, and did not want to increase the stat only to decrease it a week later. It was unintended that those changes took so long to go live, leaving brawlers in limbo on this issue.


  • RUSQ: What are the plans towards old pre-TSO zone loot? Will the items get a revamp to mach those from TSO?
  • A: You may have noticed us touching up and even fully revamping older zones over the past couple of years. As we do this, the loot in those zones receives updates as well. It can’t brought up to TSO quality, as it is acquired from easier content, but it does lie along the same progression line. I highly recommend working through the content in Lavastorm to see an example of recently revamped loot in a pre-TSO zone.

Боевая система

  • Q: Can the devs please look into an option to select whether you ranged auto attack, or melee auto attack in between CA's? I know you can create macros for /autoattack 2 etc. after a melee CA, but the lag in raid zones really messes it up, and it gets very frustrating as a ranger for my auto attack to switch back to melee auto attack every other time I use a melee CA.
  • A: We are currently looking into this.


  • Q: I would like to see a 3rd sub-class crafter, ide*A: a Harvester class, this would be a class that would be used ie. a farmer More
  • A: We don’t have any plans at present to add any more secondary tradeskills.


  • Q: What changes will see tinkerers in the coming updates?
  • A: Tinkerers of Norrath are looking forward to the coming expansion The Sentinel’s Fate, as well as next year’s Tinkerfest!


  • Q: Shall the tinkerers get some recipes for armor items?
  • A: Armorers remain the primary source of crafted armor. Tinkerers will continue to get a selection of interesting and unusual items, more details of which will be available when we enter beta testing.


  • Q: Do you plan to give the tinkerers a recipe for a mount? That could be a mechanoraptor for example.
  • A: Tinkerers already have a recipe for a mount – the Overclocked Gnomish Hovering Device. It’s possible there will be others in the future, you never know what tinkerers will tinker up, but again, more details will be available once we enter beta testing for The Sentinel’s Fate.


  • Q: Could you give the tinkerers an ability to craft a mass restoration device and group fake death?
  • A: The thought of giving either gnomes or tinkerers the ability to effect large-scale life and death effects is terrifying to say the least … for the sake of all Norrath, we have no current plans for anything quite so drastic as this.


  • Q: With critical types being consolidated, what will happen to AA lines which increase specific crit types? For example, crusaders can increase spell crit and melee crit via different AA selections, with spell crit being substantially higher than melee crit. What will happen to these AAs after the crit consolidation?
  • A: We are going to need to look at the AA which modify critical types and deal with them on a case by case basis.

Игровой процесс

  • Q: The whole diety system had a lot of potential but there just doesnt seem to be too much emphasyis put on them any more. Are there any plans to give the dieties more importance or will it just be something that fades away like the Arenas?
  • A: The deity system and its usefulness are something we are still considering, although we have no news on any changes to the system at this time.


  • Q: Can we expect a new race to go with Sentinel's Fate and New Halas? You don't have to say what the race is, if you want to keep it a surprise, just whether or not we're getting one.
  • A: There are no new races planned for the coming expansion.


  • Q: Will old zones be made persistant?
  • A: This is something else we have considered, although again there is nothing to report on it right now.


  • Q: Given that the heirloom tag seems to be applied with the assumption that all characters can make use of it, are there any plans to either allow exiles to use the shared bank (especially since the shared bank has been extended to characters of opposite alignment), allow heirloom items to be mailed, or allow exiles to return to their old city without giving up all their skills? Those such as myself who made the choice long ago to live in Haven had no way to know that the game would be changed, forcing us to choose between a sudden new lack of functionality or losing all our master skills.
  • A: There are no plans at this point to change the way Exiles function in the game.


  • Q: With the auto mentoring system coming, will level caps be removed from quests that still have them? For instance Quartermaster Berlon in Stormhold or perhaps even the adventuring and tradeskill writs be doable at higher level? Please?
  • A: At this point, there are no plans to change level caps for existing quests.


  • Q: It was anounced at Fan Faire that the next LU will include a 4x zone with the new select a level system, as well as a 2x zone... Will there also be a Group zone or solo quests added as well...and wich type will the Shard of Love Fall under?
  • A: Shard of Love is a scaling group zone.


  • Q: Are there any plans for some fun, not to difficult, scaleable content for x2,x3 or x4 groups? I.e expand upon the guild-city-raids. Something where 12-24 guildmates can get together, regardless of level, playstyle, experience, gear and have fun together.

making the current city-raids scale to 3 or 4 groups and adding to them would be great. Rewards dont have to be amazing or even that great, just make the instances fun.

  • A: The team is always looking for different types of interactive experiences to offer players, however, we have nothing planned along these lines at this point.


  • Q: We've been told the upcoming expansion will have "difficulty scales" for raid zones. Does this mean that we will see say, 2x and 4x versions of all raid zones? or are the difficulty settings applicable to the same raid base (ie, 2x zones will have 3 settings, and 4x zones will have 3 settings)?
  • A: The difficulty settings will not change the tier of the raid.


  • Q: Would it ever be possible to give us a secondary guild hall call spell? For instance if we have access to a guild hall that we don't belong to, and putting it on a 30 or 60 minute recast. This could be useful for those of us who have toons in more than one guild, or who want a call to a city other than where we're guilded with. It may seem superfluous but I think many would find it handy once they try it out.
  • A: At this point, there are no plans to add a secondary call spell along these lines.


  • Q: The Fan Faire reports suggested that we will be seeing new lore for Erudites, Ratonga, and presumably Barbarians (since they're getting their city). I don't suppose you'd be willing to reassure a budding alt-a-holic that you're not planning to roll out Better Barbarians, Extra Erudite Erudites, and Radical Ratonga races in the expansion, making me regret making new alts of the current versions?
  • A: We are not planning any new playable races for the coming expansion.


  • Q: For those of use who are lucky enough to have the 5-room house LoN card, will it be possible to choose which city we're based in? Right now, as a baddie, when I used the card I had to move to Freeport from Neriak. It would be nice to have options as to where this house is based.
  • A: Unfortunately, there are no plans to change the way this particular card functions.


  • RUSQ: Avatars have gotten a huge nerfs over the time and now are easier than some of the raid mobs. Do you plan any tweaks to make avatars again really powerful and hard to kill?
  • A: Mob difficulty is something we always are keeping an eye on. Although there are no plans to change the deities in this manner at this point, it's something we are always evaluating.


  • Q: Are there any plans to tackle the issue of 'ghost towns' in eq2 by actually giving people a reason to visit the cities again?
  • A: We have more events planned in the future that should be touching the cities, and are considering other ways to help make cities busier places.


  • Q: Can we have a cloak with a rabbit design theme to it?
  • A: We are constantly making new cloak appearances for the designers. It just depends which one they need at the time, so it is possible that a rabbit cloak may come up in the future. I know we have a rabbit helm already.


  • RUSQ: Since the last GU, racial illusions give a random appearance--they no longer seem to be tied to your character's base appearance. Many people use illusions regularly and liked knowing that their characters always looked the same when using a particular illusion. Are there plans to make racial illusions behave as before? If so, when will it be implemented?
  • A: We are working on an item that can be used to store appearances. Hopefully these will be done soon.


  • Q: Will there EVER a possibility that we'll be getting tintable clothing like EQ1 had? Appearance items are all the rage these days, as is pretty apparent. I loved dying my armor the perfect shade of forest green on my halfling cleric way back when in EQ1. More
  • A: At current there are no plans to make wearable’s tintable by the user.


  • RUSQ: Can we have more usable icons for macros please?
  • A: There are always new icons in the pipeline for artist to make with every expansion. Maybe some will be used as possible macro art.


  • RUSQ: When can we try on a Fae or an Arasai illusory image? Seems those two were left aside as we have available most of the other race illusions.
  • A: I think this is on the design side as art assets are already there.


  • RUSQ: All in-game robes have a common apearance stile now - can we expect and varieties?
  • A: We are always making new textures for the robes and now using the new robe geometry, I think the biggest difference is the addition of snap-ons we are doing such as shoulder pads for robes. This will give some new silhouette appearances.


  • Q: Will guild halls transfer, intact, during the merge of Nagafen and Venekor? There hasn't been a server merge since guild halls were introduced. So, inquiry minds want to know if this has been looked in to or if we're just making a leap of faith with our investments on Venekor.
  • A: Yes, guild halls will transfer just fine during a server merge.


  • Q: Can we get a check-box on the guild window that turns the comments under people's names on and off? I'd love to turn them off some times so I can see more names on the list at one time.
  • A: Good idea, its something we can consider.


  • Q: Could I get an option to view Guild advancement in the 'Adventure/Tradeskill/AA' experience bar and/or get the ability to have more than one bar on the screen at a time?
  • A: Another good suggestion that we can consider. There are already UI mods that will display multiple XP bars at a time. You should be able to use a UI mod for just the XP window and retain the default UI for everything else if you wanted to explore that option.


  • Q: Why, for all that is holy, can we STILL not delete certain quests in our journal? Why?
  • A: Which quests? You can now delete Hallmark quests as of a previous hotfix.


  • Q: Can we have more usable icons for macros please?
  • A: Macros will allow you to use any icon in the game. You can drag any item or spell directly to the icon window and the macro will inherit the item’s icon.