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Создание Норрата

269 байт добавлено, 10:08, 7 июля 2008
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In the beginning, all that existed was voidВ начале была только пустота. Empty of all, whether it be time or spaceПустота вне времени и пространства. Бесконечное небытие A vast and endless nothingness cloaked in a deep and all consuming silence.
Within this void existed В этой пустоте появился [[The NamelessБезымянный]], a power so incredible that in the entire universeсила столь невообразимая, it knew only itself to existчто во всей вселенной только он существовал сам по себе. It had no idea why it was there, just that it was.
В безмолвии пустоты In the quiet expanse of the void, it sent itself out and searched the void to find something different. And there it was, a pocket of space and therein lay the flow of time.
When Когда [[The NamelessБезымянный]] stepped into the spaceступил в космос, something terrible but wonderfulпроизошло нечто ужасное, something terrifying but exciting happenedно чарующее, пугающее, но восхитительное. It detected the elements of space and time.
[[The Nameless]], knowing nothing of these things, freed what was in there so it could spread out in all directions, filling the space that had been empty for so long with a force that had no boundaries.
