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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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282 байта убрано, 19:50, 9 июля 2009
Lordebon's WIP notes
==Lordebon's WIP notes==
===Stats needed===
I believe I now have all the stats that need to appear in the template. Things like resistability and hit bonus go in the bottom lines like damage because they vary by quality. If something is still missing, drop a note on the talk page.
==Описание параметров==
67 085
