Вопросы к разработчикам 2009.06.03 — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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*Q: Есть ли у разработчиков планы изменить существующую систему предписаний? Все многочисленные игровые обновления, доработки, изменения с фракциями и с самими предписаниями, привели к сложностям которые легко заметить пообщавшись с раздатчиками предписаний в различных локациях Норрата или в Зале Гильдии. Даже в Кунарке разница между предписаниями во Фрипорт и в Нериак\Горовин слишком заметна и раздражает. Входит ли этот пункт в список "без нужды замороченных" функций игры для исправления в будущем?
*Q: Есть ли у разработчиков планы изменить существующую систему предписаний? Все многочисленные игровые обновления, доработки, изменения с фракциями и с самими предписаниями, привели к сложностям которые легко заметить пообщавшись с раздатчиками предписаний в различных локациях Норрата или в Зале Гильдии. Даже в Кунарке разница между предписаниями во Фрипорт и в Нериак\Горовин слишком заметна и раздражает. Входит ли этот пункт в список "без нужды замороченных" функций игры для исправления в будущем?
*A: [Timetravelling] Мы планируем сделать некоторые изменения в системе предписаний в связи с вводом в игру авто-обучения, но ничего радикального не намечается.
*A: [Timetravelling] Мы планируем сделать некоторые изменения в системе предписаний в связи с вводом в игру авто-обучения, но радикальных перемен не намечается.

Версия 06:44, 7 июля 2009

Q: Could quest starter items for book quests from grey mobs in Ruins of Varsoon, The Obelisk of Lost Souls , Runnyeye, The Temple of Cazic-Thule purrty please be looked into? They are just not dropping off grey mobs at anything but a very high rare rate. thanks.

A: [Gninja] I have been slowly going through each of these to see if it would be possible to get these made available. Depending on the reasons they were removed some of them might be made available down the road. There is a rather long list being maintained in the Quests and Live events forum so if there is one missing that you would like readded make sure it gets added to that list so I can get them all checked out. At the same time I will be evaluating drop rates to make sure they are available for those wanting to do them as opposed to being extremely rare.


  • Q: Есть ли у разработчиков планы изменить существующую систему предписаний? Все многочисленные игровые обновления, доработки, изменения с фракциями и с самими предписаниями, привели к сложностям которые легко заметить пообщавшись с раздатчиками предписаний в различных локациях Норрата или в Зале Гильдии. Даже в Кунарке разница между предписаниями во Фрипорт и в Нериак\Горовин слишком заметна и раздражает. Входит ли этот пункт в список "без нужды замороченных" функций игры для исправления в будущем?
  • A: [Timetravelling] Мы планируем сделать некоторые изменения в системе предписаний в связи с вводом в игру авто-обучения, но радикальных перемен не намечается.


  • Q: Неделю назад отправлял вам по электронной почте свою идею про ездового кролика в доспехах. Есть ли у кролика под седлом шанс попасть в Everquest II в обозримом будущем?
  • A: [Timetravelling, Fyreflyte, Kiara, Bruinen] Нет. Эта идея не намного лучше, чем лама, размахивающая катаной. На наш взгляд катана-ламам не следует разъезжать на бронированных кроликах в состоянии психоделического бешенства, так что таких планов пока нет. Хотя.... как знать...


Q: There are still alot of collection pages that are "no trade" specifically like the ones from the dungeon in the Mara expansion. That dungeon has alot of book collections, but rarely does anyone go to that dungeon so very difficult to get any pages. Could those pages be changed to treadeable like was done with collection pages in other zones?

A: [Timetravelling] This came up at Fan Faire, and as long as there is not a specific reason for those items to be no-trade, we plan to make them all tradeable.


Q: Do you plan to make any more shared/contested dungeons?

A: [Timetravelling] Yes. In the next expansion, The Hole will be a massive contested dungeon.


Q: Can the lock out timer for the Ward of elements x2 raid please be changed 3 days minimum because the reasoning for a 5 day lockout has been shown to be faulty? The reason for the 5 day lockout has been given as the T3 patterns are all smart loot. however, time has shown us that this is not true and that the 100% smart loot does not work properly for numerous reasons. EG. The cast helm having the circlet added, people looting the pattern but not creating the actual piece of T3 (due to people not wanting to break 5 pieces bonuses up - thank btw for the adjustment to fighter sets, this was an improvement)

A: [Timetravelling] Done!


Q: Will we ever be able to make shard armor for our alts instead of having to get someone to make it for an alt ?

A: [Timetravelling] Yes, soon hopefully!


Q: When will the cast timer on world objects be corrected so that it does not break invis and stealth -- or is the development consensus that it is currently working as intended, even though the last word on this from development stated that the cast timer would not affect stealth/invis abilities?

A: [Timetravelling] Intended, unfortunately. Harvesting an object, using a widget, etc. are all actions that should remove the player from stealth.


Q: Is there any consideration of making the "Imperceptible Beauty" appearance items that were sold during the world events before TSO release available again to new characters created after TSO release? Either craftable, merchant, status merchant, etc?

A: [Kaitheel] Yes. You will see them again. They are useful items for all of us and are going to be returning, as promised.


Q: There were some bits of information from another popular MMORPG game where (as claimed) unexpected event happened in the game world. Players could catch a nasty illness in one of the zones and then it accidently spread out from one player to another causing kind of a world-wide pandemia. The cure was unknown for a while and that was a challenge for the inhabitants how to survive. Does EQ2 allows such kind of things driven by players interaction and do you have any plans to use such mechanics in future events?

A: [Kaitheel] You must be referring to the plague event that the citizens of Norrath suffered though in April of 2005. J At any rate, I doubt you’ll see similar events in the future where players pass an infection about. The feedback from that event from the players was rather negative as it had brought out higher amounts of harassment, and impeded upon game play mechanics. We would rather have events that encourage you to participate, not ones that force you to participate thus alienating those players who do not wish to do so.


Q: What is going to happen to Guild Halls and Status invested/deposited in to Guild Halls when Venekor is merged with Nagafen. These are things we need more than a few days to plan for if they're not going to transfer over to Nagafen. Be nice to get an official word either way... "Yah.. you're gonna have to start over cause we've never done a merge with Guild Halls before" or "No worries.. everything.. including your Harvest Depots will be in tact when the merge is complete." Thanks.

A: [Rothgar] Guild halls and all their contents, including escrow, will be transferred and left in tact.


Q: For level 80 guilds, is it possible to have any guild status earned to go towards escrow for the guild halls?

A: [Rothgar] Currently the status costs for amenities and guild hall upkeep are balanced around the amount of personal status you can earn from writs, mob kills, etc.


Q: You've mentioned that we'll see a higher tier Guild Halls in the coming expansion. Can we expect new amenities there? What kind of?

A: [Rothgar] Unfortunately we don’t have any details available regarding amenities or guild hall upgrades for the upcoming expansion.


Q: Guild Halls were a very convenient addition to the game but they left all the cities and towns around Norrath deserted. The MMORPG idea of socializing players failed as everyone now's stuck in the GH where he can find whatever's needed for craft, trade and travelling. Does it work as intended or you consider some changes to make the toons spend more time outside of their cells? Maybe just placing menders, bankers and brokers out of the GH's would keep the right balance between overcrowded locations (and much hated lags) and deserted streets and squares. New players get a very wrong impression of the game until they join a guild and it ends up leaving 'em no choice but to join a guild.

A: [Rothgar] We will continue to look at things we can do to make the cities interesting places to adventure and meet people, but it most likely will not be by removing guild hall amenities.


Q: For less populated servers the GH hirelings spoil the rare resources trade - noone's willing to go mining ore or gather hides coz it's readily available in the GH Harvesting Supply Depot and as the result, just few pieces of the rare stuff on the market are offered for a sky-rocketing prices. For all servers those guys spoil one of the classic jobs for the toons - farming resources. It's now not needed at all. Those who liked that playstile are now jobless coz they can't sell their common resources harvest. Any planning tweaks?

A: [Rothgar] No changes are planned for the hunter / harvester hirelings at the moment.


Q: Is it possible to add portals from GH 1) for any toon to any of other guild member's houses and 2) for a toon to any houses belonging to that player's alts on the same server?

A: [Rothgar] There are some technical challenges to making everyone’s house available from the guild hall. It would require loading each guild member to determine if they own a house and where the house is located. There are some work-arounds, but currently there is no plan to implement this feature.


Q: Is there any plan to add more storage, especially for fluff armors and house items now that there are more and more live event items coming in ? Something like a supply depot for private house that would allow truckloads of house items in it.

A: [Rothgar] Adding more storage is something we always have to be careful with because it affects many things behind the scenes. However, we are aware that it’s a requested feature and whenever we can find a way to implement more storage without noticeable performance impact we will consider it.


Q: Can you make it possible to re-arrange people in a group the same way you can in a raid, maybe by dragging and dropping?

A: [Rothgar] This question comes up a lot and it’s certainly possible to do. I believe it’s already in our list of things we’d like to add when we have the time.


Q: (Russian Community) Can we get an option to drag entire contents of a bag into a broker bag/box?

A: [Rothgar] This is something we can look at adding in the future.


Q: (Russian Community) Do you plan to increase max number of items in one stack? Would be great to keep more than 5 pieces of the equal items or to be able to stack those that are non-stackable now (totems for example).

A: [Rothgar] The issue is that items with charges currently cannot stack because their charge counts can be different. It would be nice to find a way to combine those charged items, but its not something we’ve had a chance to look into yet.


Q: (Russian Community) Can you add more inventory containers with increased capacity for some specific item types (like those for raw materials) - for quest items, collections, usable buff\debuff potions etc. That'd make it easier to find a necessary item in the inventory and to help high level players with extra space coz they have to carry at least two full sets of armor\gear and many other stuff needed for raiding.

A: [Rothgar] We have some ideas for improving inventory management but nothing in the plans for the near future. Hopefully it’s something we can look at after the expansion.


Q: (Russian Community) You've mentioned that players can expect some time in the future more commands per one macro (that question was about changing equip sets). Can you help troubadors and other buffers to save their fingers and cast all 15-something spells with one key strike. That's about two hotbars and a lot of wasted time for "click and wait" after each raid wipe. Are you planning by any chance to add conditional operands to macro?

A: [Rothgar] There aren’t any plans to change the macro system at the moment. However, I believe we are considering methods to improve “buffing” separate from the macro system.


Q: What game engine are you guys running?

A: [Rothgar] The EverQuest II servers and client are custom and proprietary to EQII.


Q: Is it intentional that you really need a 3rd party tool that sees only half the data? Currently some of the more challenging encounters are almost totally dependant on a 3rd party log file analyzer (advanced combat tracker). Additionally not all data is available in the logs for that parser (cures, debuffs, buffs), leading to strange perceptions of class balance in some cases.

A: [Rothgar] We are aware that parsers are used quite frequently when raiding, but encounters are not created specifically to require a parser. We don’t mind them being used and can look into specific things that are not being logged.


Q: Will Smart Loot be implemented in old zones?

A: [Fyreflyte] Smart Loot only functions well on class-specific armor, so most old zones (which drop a majority of archetype items) would not support it. The loot tables in most old zones should be small enough that smart loot is not needed, but if you feel there is a specific imbalance somewhere be sure to /feedback it.


Q: Any plans to either reduce the plat costs of guild status mounts or increase the run speed? There are faster and cheaper mounts in the game now then when the mounts (esp <GL 60) were introduced.

A: [Fyreflyte] I’ll take a look at these. A cost reduction is the most likely course.


Q: Will TSO Raid mounts be getting an upgraded apperance? As it stands now, they are near identical to the melee stat shard mount, with the only discernable difference is a very slight color variation in the armor the warbear wears. Other expansion's dropped mounts all had unique apperances which make them even more desirable for players. I love my mount and would use it either way, but I think it looks boring and no one can tell its a fancier variety!

A: [Fyreflyte] The appearance of those particular mounts will not be receiving an upgrade, however mounts released in future raids will definitely have more unique appearances.


Q: For the (busy) armor art colorists - though it's an old expansion, would you take a look at the Bloodline Chronicles reward armor chest and leg pieces on the evil side and revamp it to match the good side's chest and leg pieces (i.e. take the good side pieces, color them black, and put them on the evil side). This is just an appearance thing, but you can see from the images of the two and how vastly different they are for appearance armor. Fake plate should look like fake plate entirely, because that's the fun of it.

A: [Fyreflyte] That should be an easy change. The appearance tab has repopularized a number of old appearances, so we’ve been attempting to clean them up where we can. Keep /feedbacking this stuff as you see it.


Q: With the recent nerf to the ethernaut drum for bards is there any chance of possibly making this item into a charm. The nerf really makes this item useless in the slot it requires since it would be taking away too much dps for very little bit in return. As a charm this item would be worth doing that long tedious quest.

A: [Fyreflyte] I have no current plans to change this item, although I’ll take a second look at it and see if it warrants one.


Q: Is there any way we can have the gender bias in clothing to be removed? if someone wants to wear a male outfit on a female toon, or vice versa, the option should be there for them.

A: [Bruinen] This is possible to remove, but currently would cause issues with the way the system is setup. (i.e. people who are wearing dresses now would end up having pants and shirt globally, etc.)