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Обсуждение:Вопросы к разработчикам 2009.04.06

5187 байт добавлено, 11:35, 5 мая 2009
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'''Господа, прием вопросов для разработчиков на апрель закончился. Огромное спасибо всем, кто принимал участие и отписывался у нас в энциклопедии Норрата и на форуме локализаторов. Ждем ответов в конце месяца и готовим новые вопросы :)'''
'''К сожалению, абсолютно все ваши вопросы перевести и отправить на сайт девелоперов невозможно по объективным причинам, поэтому если ваша тема не попала к ним в руки сейчас, не расстраивайтесь! Мы планируем открывать аналогичные странички ежемесячно и я постараюсь в первую очередь включать именно те, которые не перевели в прошлом месяце.'''
Интересно почитать, о чем уже спрашивали игроки и что им отвечали разрабы? => загляните в [[:Категория:Уголок Разработчиков|Уголок Разработчиков]]
'''Список вопросов разработчикам. Апрель 2009г.'''
#*Do you have any plans to allow adding adornments to charms?
#*Shell we have armor/weapon sets with different combination of pieces - like a set of weapon+shield; two-weapons set (primary & sec. slots); ranged weapon+charm set ?
#*Can we expect to see new epic weapons for the secondary slots?
#*Will you add adornments that should have existed but were never found in the game, e.g. beside a +1% block chance for a shield on lvl 50, there should be an adornment with +2% or +3% on lvl 70...
#*What's behind the idea not to improve some items of the Dirge TSO x4 set (if compared to the Dirge RoK set)? For example, Conjurors changing their RoK sets onto TSO got reduction of reuse time and some better pet abilities...
#*What do you think about making the mount-calling equipment (like whistles, drums, scrolls etc.) be placeable at home and making the animals (or carpets) pop up once the unequipped items used inside. I bet some guys will love the idea of designing stables in their GH or making exhibition halls to show off their herds of battle wargs or bears - or maybe even teaching lava rhinos to play piano or to swim in a fish tank.
#*Can we expect any other types of mounts? Actually something flying (a baby-dragon for example or a sokokar) would be a great addition to the game. And do yo plan to introduce new or change old mounts to give them even a higher speed bonus (oh, why was the lava carpet nerfed?!!!)?
#Live Events
#*This question was discussed in December chat but I think it's right time to ask again - shell we see new summer events or the Nights of the Dead is the closest one?
#Storage and item transfer:
#*Shell we ever have a special container with a good number of slots for quest items only? While questing it's not a rare case when someone has 2 or even more bags filled with such a stuff.
#*Any plans to introduce containers with more than 36 slots? Or at least make lighter 36 slot sacks more available than those heavy boxes?
#*Items with "Lore" flag (but without the "No trade" one) can be passed to another char but with some difficulties (GH bank can be used but someone else can pick up the item or GH bank can be inaccessible). Why do we need those limitations?
#Spell changes:
#*The spell name convention got quite a positive feedback on the Russian forum. A related question is - does dev's team plan any changes in spell rank system? Currently Apprentice II-IV, Adept II and IV, Master III-IV tiers are almost not used at all if ever were. Should we make this clean and neat as well?
#Classes and class/race abilities
#*Coercer pets - there were rumors in the air the the pets will be made less meaningful for the class. What can we expect to be changed?
#*Do you plan to change Templar Achievements Tree to enhance offensive abilities of the class? Any plans for new templar's gear to give bonus to his offense? Or such changes can be discussed after the fighters revamp?
#*What do you think about creating an Arena with PvP set of rules (now the PvE set is used)?
#*Any plans to add brand new stuff to the PvP part of the saga - battlegrounds, sieges, conquest areas with instanced zones full of yammi loot but accessible by winners only?
#*When can we try on a Fae or an Arasai illusory image? Seems those two were left aside as we have available most of the other race illusions.
#Russian-only :)
#*Why the three Russian servers are not listed among the officil servers on http://eq2players.station.sony.com/servers/index.vm ? Are they considered counterfeit copies? :)
#*Why Russian players do not have access to the full set of services available on http://eq2players.station.sony.com/ ? The only thing we can do is to log on... Do you plan to change the situation somehow?
