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Руководство дизайнера интерьеров

4013 байт убрано, 10:11, 14 февраля 2013
[NWER] S:«Book count» R:«Подсчет книг»
:''Чтобы увидеть упорядоченный список статей, посвященных домам, см.: [[:Категория:Жилье]].''
:''Общее руководство по жилью в игре можно почитать [[Жилье|здесь]]''
Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы уже экспертом по дизайну интерьеров или впервые пробуете украсить свое жилище, в этой статье может найтись нужная и интересная информация. Здесь собрано сокровенное знание декораторов со всего Норрата - огромное спасибо всем, кто внес свой вклад в подбор данных.
'''Книги, свитки и количество предметов в доме'''
Далеко не все книги и свитки увеличивают счетчик предметов обстановки в доме, когда их размещают в помещении. Список предметов и указание на то, учитывается ли данный фолиант как отдельная единица обстановки (С) или нет (NC) приведен [[Book countПодсчет книг|здесь]]. Пока информация не полностью переведена на русский язык - вы можете помочь с переводом и дополнением информации. '''Ковры''' Если вы думаете, что ковер сделан для того, чтобы положить его на пол, то очень ошибаетесь. Ковры можно использовать как необычное украшение потолка или заставить их парить в воздухе. На страничке http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/posts/list.m?topic_id=440730&#4911206 собрана информация по изготавливаемым коврам с указанием их свойств - видна ли обратная сторона и можно ли на них сидеть или стоять. '''Картины'''
Картины предназначены, чтобы висеть на стенах? Ничего подобного.... Их можно использовать как ширмы и маскировать проход в секретные комнаты. На странице http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/posts/list.m?topic_id=440727 есть изображения обратной стороны картин и информация, можно ли проходить сквозь эти произведения искусства.
==Общие рекомендации==
*Иногда возникают ситуации, когда предмет становится невидимым или с ним невозможно взаимодействовать (не вызывается меню). И в том и в другом случае попробуйте перезайти в дом или выйти из игры и снова вернуться.
*Занимаясь мебелировкой дома, держите у себя в инвентаре книжную полку, стол и шкаф. В идеальном варианте, если они будут уникальными для этого дома (в единственном экземпляре). Смысл заключается в том, что когда вы используете эти предметы как подсобные для размещения других вещей, они могут стать недоступными для взаимодействия (их закроет другой предмет). Здесь и пригодится меню, вызываемое по клику мышкой на иконку предмета в инвентаре. For exampleЕсли предмет еще и в единственном экземпляре, my fishtank here, I used a vampire mirror to finish off. To achieve this, I had to use a bookshelf to provide a face to attach it to, but once it was placed, I could not select the bookshelf to pick it back up. Because the bookshelf I used was a unique item (there was only the one in my entire house of that type), I was able to then activate the то очень легко найти его через команду /house window to "collect an item" and retrieve it without worry that I was picking up the wrong one. ~ Cerilynn Regarding Fish Tanks: If you do end up using a bookshelf or item that isn't unique though and you aren't making a teeny tiny fish tank you can actually select the item you are using as a glass wall such as a vampiric mirror, move so you're inside the tank and then hit esc so it goes back. Then from inside the tank you can pick up the bookshelf or whatever item you were using for the flat surface. I found that was a little less scary on my part if you don't have an item offhand that wouldn't blend into the list when typing /home. I also found this is a nice trick when you decide after making the fish tank that you wanna mess around with some of the stuff inside without messing up the front panels positioning. Again this pertains to only fish tanks or spaces you can actually fit your character in, lol. ~SecretNinja Helpful Advice I like looking at decorating magazines, myself. If I see something that looks comfortable and welcoming to me, it often gives me ideas for the in-game houses. My own personal "style" is to create an atmosphere that feels welcoming and comfortable and to just flat out decorate and work with the space (for my own homes). Would I like to actually live there? that sort of thing. Sometimes having a theme in mind helps - someone wants a froglok space, etc.  Sometimes getting an idea of something you wish you saw in game, such as the toy train, pipe organ, fish tanks and previously, fireplaces and stoves! I look around outside of game for ideas that'll be fun to make in game. All my advice, otherwise, will center around gardens and decorating structure. I think there was a good post here somewhere on decorating in и "layers.подобрать" With gardens, try to keep it diverse and interesting to the eye - building up is a great trick - creating features as you would in real life. Something that catches the eye like a tiered planter or a walkway. Tall plants in the center or back to build "walls" of greenery. Water, pathways, eye level plants - texture - those are great things to consider when making a garden now that we have so many more plants available to play with (ee!). ~Ninibi The more I decorate, the more I've found that what really really helps me, is to picture what it would take, right here in my living room, to get the effect I want in-game. It's a sort of 3-D thinking.   The one thing I consider most important in decorating (for me, anyway), is: how would I feel, sitting in the room I just decorated, and just chat-roleplaying with someone? If I can't park a character in there for two hours and just roleplay/chat... then I know my design is flawed and needs re-working. Usually... it means I've got "too much flair", and it's time to get rid of some of the many doo-dads. Sometimes I sketch, although I'm not much of an artist at all. Then I look at the furniture options available in-game, and I visit these forums, and look for ideas and inspiration. And then - this is the one thing that saves a lot of headache and grief at the end... if you're doing a big project, check and keep checking that you can walk through the areas that you want to be able to walk through, and that you can climb your stairs, even as you keep building them. I can't tell you how much time I lost building something that looked great - only to find I couldn't get up the stairs, or squeeze through the doorway... ~Eladia I think the best designs come from visualizing the entire space and thinking about how you want to live in it. My personal thing is to never decorate just against the walls. Always consider the space in the middle of the room as usable area. Sofas don't have to be against the wall, neither do fireplaces, bookselves or counters. Consider how a display space could also be a divider, and not necessarily a solid one at that. I tend to break a room into smaller spaces and make my groupings within those spaces. Also be sure to vary the heights of things. Everything at one level doesn't give the eye any where to focus. From a pratical standpoint, never pickup any thing, always move it first. If you end up moving the wrong thing, the ESC will undo it. You can always pick it up after you've moved it. Also the '/house' command can be used from anywhere. Stand where you can see the item you want to work with. Access the 'Collect Item List' and move the item you want to adjust/pickup etc. The list will remember where you left off, so if you want to remove just one bookcase out of 20, you will eventually hit upon the one you want and you can then pick it up. For bookself placement, line of sight is an issue so keep something solid handy that you can jump on to get yourself higher up if needed. Also scrolling as far out as you can and then playing around with the camera angle can help when placing a touchy tricky item. With the correct angle it is sometimes possible to slide something under something else, etc. ~Donilla Clever Ideas and Techniques
When doing my gardens or spas and baths and using the mystic mirrors for waterfalls, although now we have the tapestry, i didnt like the fact that the walls were seen throu the mirror, so if you put a teak mirror behind it, now that they can be big==Примечания==Оригинал статьи, water reflects back and all you see is the water effect. Not very well seen in the pics much better ingameчасть из которой переведена выше, but you can get an idea here: находится здесь - http://i303forums.station.photobucketsony.com/albumseq2/posts/list...tubndthebed.jpg This house is gone, Ive moved to SQ but you get the idea. ~Brujim?topic_id=440733
==Credits==Оригинал статьи находится здесь - http[[Категория://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/posts/list.m?topic_id=440733Руководства пользователя]][[Категория:Жилье]]
