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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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{{EquipInformation| iname = | <!-- examine window (OPTIONAL) only if needed --> idesc icat = |рм iname2 = | <!-- image of when worn/equipped (OPTIONAL) --> idesc2 revamp = |61 desc = | icat = раб. мастера| flags = не подогнНЕ ПОДОГН.| str = | sta inlay1 = +25|1 agi = | wis = +25| int = +40|45 health = +120| power = +120| vsslash = | vscrush = | vspierce= | vsheat sta = +451|43 vscold = +451| vsmagic potency = +451|4,3 vsmental= +451| vsdivineacspeed = +451|3,8 vsdisease=+451| vspoisoncritbonus = +451|2,2amod = +45| focus critmit = |6,9 slash = | crush swaspeed = |4,4 pierce = | ranged = | parry = | defense = | ministration=| subjugation =| disruption =| ordination =| deflection =| aggression =| effectlist=| <!-- list the effects names only, comma separated --> effectdescslots =Плечи| <!-- enter the complete description of the effects here. Use asterisks to indent --> dtype = Матерчатые доспехи| <!-- damage type, armor type, shield type --> slot = Плечи| <!-- equipment slot, or "Shield" --> mit = 147|158 prot = | wt = 1.0| level = 77| <!-- integer value between 1 and 150. use "-" if has no level --> classes = маг| <!itemlink = \aITEM -- If blank, wtype and dtype will be used to guess classes, -->1909928722 1539537399:Di'Zok Ceremonial Cloth Shawl\/a itemlink= | obtain = {{CraftedItem|Портной|77|Легкая броня Бригады Батезида, том I}}| set = | <!-- name of armor set if belonging to one -->
67 085
