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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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Рабочий Каменного Улья

901 байт убрано, 19:46, 4 мая 2011
Нет описания правки
type = Насекомые|
race = Пчела|
class = | <!-- Archetype, Class or Subclass of this monster --> levellow = 39| <!-- low end of range, if any, number ONLY --> levellowmod=^|<!-- arrows, use v and ^ --> level = 40| <!-- number ONLY or Scales --> levelmod = ^| <!-- arrows, use v and ^ --> diff = | <!-- Heroic or Epic. Default is Solo -->
zone = Речной Дол|
patch = |
group = | <!-- social grouping that is NOT a faction, if any. Leave blank if no group. --> agro = y| <!-- anything here will label this monster as Aggressive --> social = y| <!-- anything here will label this monster as Social -->
trauma = |
arcane = |
noxious = |
elemental= |
location = около входа в [[Башня Драфлинга|Башню Драфлинга]]| <!--A textual description of where the monster is, not the /loc coordinates--> mapref = -480,0,-30| <!-- /loc result, *=see below, X=suppress --> uid = 20155| <!-- EQ2Map ID, X=suppress -->
 <!-- IF this monster affects any Factions, REMOVE THIS LINE and edit this section!==FactionsСвязанные задания==*{{Faction|FactionName[[Конец Разлома (задание)|-###|Bad|Monster}}After editing the above, REMOVE THIS LINE too! --> <!-- NOTE:==Credits==If this article includes any work that originated on another website, please give credit where due! DO NOT USE THIS SECTION TO PUT IN A PERSONAL NAME. The history page for this article tells us about who edited it. Use this section specifically to credit other websites or posts in the SOE forums. -->Конец Разлома]]
