Известные места появления точек сбора скрытых коллекций — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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(Rise of Kunark Blue Shinies)
Строка 70: Строка 70:
|Снаружи {{Instance|Крепость Костоломов|Крепости Костоломов}}||{{Loc|-1099|122|140}}||Can spawn anywhere in the area around the Keep.
|Снаружи {{Instance|Крепость Костоломов|Крепости Костоломов}}||{{Loc|-1099|122|140}}||Can spawn anywhere in the area around the Keep.
|rowspan="3"|{{Zone|Lesser Faydark||public}}
|rowspan="3"|{{Zone|Малый Фейдарк||public}}
|rowspan="3"|[[Малый Фейдарк: Семена тыквы|Семена тыквы]]
|rowspan="3"|[[Малый Фейдарк: Семена тыквы|Семена тыквы]]
|<span id="Lesser Faydark"></span>{{POI|Emerald Halls Hollow}}||{{Loc|238.5|-40.5|-404|uid=}}||Two possible spawns throughout the {{POI|Emerald Halls Hollow}}.
|<span id="Lesser Faydark"></span>{{POI|Emerald Halls Hollow}}||{{Loc|238.5|-40.5|-404|uid=}}||Two possible spawns throughout the {{POI|Emerald Halls Hollow}}.
Строка 76: Строка 76:
|{{POI|The Village of Panderpana }}||{{Loc|-679|-27.5|-330.5|uid=30274}}||
|{{POI|The Village of Panderpana }}||{{Loc|-679|-27.5|-330.5|uid=30274}}||
|{{POI|The Tower of Zet}}||{{Loc|715.5|-31.5|485|uid=}}||In {{POI|The Shadowed Grove}}
|{{POI|Башня Зета}}||{{Loc|715.5|-31.5|485|uid=}}||In {{POI|Тенистая долина}}
|rowspan="4"|{{Zone|Катакомбы Мистмура||public}}
|rowspan="4"|{{Zone|Катакомбы Мистмура||public}}

Версия 19:43, 22 августа 2008

The following information details the known locations of spawn points for expert collection items. For more information about specific collections of this type, see the Expert Collections category listing.

Синие вопросики в Echoes of Faydwer

Зона Коллекция Локация Координаты Комментарии
Горы Батчерблока Шахматные фигуры Шахматная Доска ( -809, 101, -115 ) /waypoint -809, 101, -115 Eq2map.gif Появляется в пределах Шахматной Доски.
The Broken Fields ( -319, 110, 376 ) /waypoint -319, 110, 376 the cavern thing near the passage to Unrest (inside the cavern)
Darkfall Gorge ( -38, 94, -344 ) /waypoint -38, 94, -344 Eq2map.gif
Крепость Костоломов Пыточные инструменты Hall of Truths ( 52, -39, 34 ) /waypoint 52, -39, 34 Eq2map.gif Level: The Basement
Crushbone Jail ( 67, -39, -18 ) /waypoint 67, -39, -18 Level: The Basement. Sometimes spawns in a cell and is inaccessible.
Temple of the Prophet ( -26, -3, -77 ) /waypoint -26, -3, -77 Eq2map.gif Level: Ground Floor
Hall of the Magi ( 81, 25, -44 ) /waypoint 81, 25, -44 Eq2map.gif Level: Upper Floor
Hall of Tactics ( 13, 25, -42 ) /waypoint 13, 25, -42 Eq2map.gif Level: Upper Floor
Стимфонсткие Горы Минеральная вода Steamfont Wetlands ( -530, 61, 1600 ) /waypoint -530, 61, 1600 Two possible spawns, both in the water. Can be hard to see.
Smokehorn Basin ( -856, 78, 1475 ) /waypoint -856, 78, 1475 Eq2map.gif
Grikbar Crater ( -151, 40, 1150 ) /waypoint -151, 40, 1150 Eq2map.gif
Mazkeen Crater ( -780, 117, 707 ) /waypoint -780, 117, 707 Eq2map.gif
The Great Gear ( -1120, 79, 945 ) /waypoint -1120, 79, 945 The crater with the Inoperative Clockwork, used in Black Box Mechanimation
Клак'Анон Механизмы Commons/Maintenance ( -238, 8, -57 ) /waypoint -238, 8, -57 All over the floor in this room.
The Clockwork Factory ( 208, 13, -4 ) /waypoint 208, 13, -4 On the uppermost platform.
The Zoo/Research Lab ( -412, 12, -31 ) /waypoint -412, 12, -31 In the corridor between the zoo and lab.
The Clockwork Assembly Plant ( -140, 21, 42 ) /waypoint -140, 21, 42 All over the floor in this room.
King's Castle ( 32, 10, 82 ) /waypoint 32, 10, 82 In the room which leads to the Court of Innovation.
Великий Фейдарк Желуди Река At least 2 possible spawns along the river.
Росток Тунаре ( -295, 38, 371 ) /waypoint -295, 38, 371 Eq2map.gif
У входа в Новую Тунарию ?0? ) 
Снаружи Крепости Костоломов ( -1099, 122, 140 ) /waypoint -1099, 122, 140 Can spawn anywhere in the area around the Keep.
Малый Фейдарк Семена тыквы Emerald Halls Hollow ( 239, -41, -404 ) /waypoint 238.5, -40.5, -404 Two possible spawns throughout the Emerald Halls Hollow.
The Village of Panderpana ( -679, -28, -331 ) /waypoint -679, -27.5, -330.5 Eq2map.gif
Башня Зета ( 716, -32, 485 ) /waypoint 715.5, -31.5, 485 In Тенистая долина
Катакомбы Мистмура Черепа Hidden Room ( -67, -31, 94 ) /waypoint -67, -31, 94 Hidden room off of The Thrall's Quarters.
The Servants' Quarters East ( -124, -28, -83 ) /waypoint -124, -28, -82.5 Inside the east room.
The Storage Room ( -252, -22, -35 ) /waypoint -252, -22, -35 Either inside the room or in the hallway leading to it.
Conversion Chamber ( -151, -31, 38 ) /waypoint -150.5, -30.5, 37.5 Inside the room.
Замок Мистмур Свечи [Landmark name needed!] ( -50, 10, -100 ) /waypoint -50, 10, -100 Basement: In or around the pool in the Dhampyre's room.
[Landmark name needed!] ( -113, 0, 0 ) /waypoint -113, 0.00, 0.00 Basement: In the circular room where Vikomt D'Raethe's 4 adds stand.
Комната Майонга Мистмура ( 138, 89, -5 ) /waypoint 138, 89, -5 Upper Floor: In the room where the contested Mayong Mistmoore spawns (directly above the castle main entrance).
Волчьи Равнины Когти вервольфов Деревня Сомборн ( -424, 8, -11 ) /waypoint -424, 8, -11 Eq2map.gif Within the village walls, safe at any level.
Breathless Hollow ( -492, -21, 133 ) /waypoint -492, -21, 133 Anywhere in the canyon leading to Freethinker's Hideout.
The Wolf's Maw ( 61, 40, 31 ) /waypoint 60.5, 39.5, 31 Anywhere in the canyon.
Arkelek's Gash ( -294, 1, 457 ) /waypoint -294, 1, 457 Anywhere in the canyon.
Каладим Кирки Ogrebane Arena ( 135, 3, -148 ) /waypoint 135, 3, -148 Eq2map.gif А яме Арены или на обозревательном уровне.
Brell's Brew ( -142, 47, -221 ) /waypoint -142.00, 47, -221 Somewhere in/along the river.
Greybloom Farm ( -70, 26, -364 ) /waypoint -70, 26, -364 Eq2map.gif
Stormhammer Keep ( -140, 45, -136 ) /waypoint -140, 45, -136 Eq2map.gif Generally in the Queen's room or the intersection room.
Underfoot Cathedral ( 15, 28, -368 ) /waypoint 15, 28, -368 Eq2map.gif In one of the three rooms of the cathedral.
Новая Тунария Осколки часовых Северный водопад ( -184, -12, -904 ) /waypoint -184, -12, -904 Spawns along the base of the waterfall near the Tower of Purity.
Southern Waterfall ( -187, -12, -729 ) /waypoint -187, -12, -729 Spawns along the base of the waterfall near the Tower of Devotion.
Temple of Growth ( -449, 49, -857 ) /waypoint -449, 49, -857 Eq2map.gif Outside the temple on the ground or along the upper walkway.
Below Hall of Truth ( -225, 38, -817 ) /waypoint -225, 38, -817 Go below the hall of truth where the softly glowing sentry roams.
Within Tower of Arcane Truth ( -836, 43, -1273 ) /waypoint -836, 43, -1273 On Balcony outside Arcanist room.

Rise of Kunark Blue Shinies

Zone Soloable? Collection Location Descriptions
Килонгские Равнины Yes Боевые доспехи дролваргов 2 появляются около Чардока, 1 внутри\снаружи трёх пещер Вирмов (had it spawn inside and just outside of all 3 at different times), 1 в зоне, где дорога, ведущая в Яростные Пустоши
Нафсарские Болота Yes Рилисские Перстни за Верную Службу 1 появляется на платформах Иха-леев, 2 пояляются в Нурганских Шахтах, и 1 - на Костяном Поле
Кунзарские Джунгли FD/Charm Soloable Звенья Оков Быстрохвостых Появляется внутри Города Туманов
Ярсатские Пустоши Yes Медали легиона Данак 2 появляются рядом с верфью Легиона Данака, 1 в Короне Венила, 1 около Скорпиона вблизи Свода Вечного Сна, 1 около Храма Красного Лорда
Замок Карнора FD/Charm Soloable Ключи тюремщика Multiple spawns around the zone. Easiest spot to camp is the room across from the raid instance entrance. Take the tunnel inside from the moat, then take a left.
Себилис Yes Доспехи рыцаря Риит Multiple spawns around the zone. If solo, can invis camp 2-3 spawns depending on luck of placement, in the bottom of Seb. Dive into the water below the circle platform at start of zone, and swim into the jail areas.
Чардок FD/Charm Soloable Ошейники чокидаев Multiple spawns in the Castle. There are only 1-2 spawns that are campable with just invising around. If you get past the golems at the front and get into the room that has stairs up/down, go down and the room there + hallway + next room is mostly mobs that don't see invis, and has 1 shiny on a 6-7min spawn time.

55px EQ2i credits the SOE Forums for some of the information in this article.

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