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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Гаранель Рукзиф Проклятый

1529 байт убрано, 11:43, 19 мая 2010
Нет описания правки
diff = Героический|
patch = LU32|
rquests = [[The Search for VelВ поисках Вел'ArekАрека]]|
zone = Имение Неупокоенного|
drops = *[[Breastplate of Nem Anhk]]*[[Najena's Voidcaller Vestment]]*[[Strongbear's Steelskin Chest]]*[[Ykesha's Spiritwalker Shroud]]*{{Equip|Garanel's Mantle}}*{{Equip|Bloodbath (Great Axe)}}*{{Equip|Girdle of Gore}}*{{Equip|Kithicor's Nighthunter Chestguard}}*{{Equip|Wu's Fighting Shirt}}*{{Equip|McCabe's Double-Dealing Vest}}*{{Equip|Darkbriar's Masquerade Robe}}*[[Cold-Blooded Blade]]*[[Kyle Bayle's Dogmatic Breastplate]]|
group = |
location = The Heart of Unrest|
mapref = |
uid = |
specials = |
resists = |
ph = | originalname = Garanel Rucksif, the Cursed|
Spawned by bringing all 7 bones from the {{Monster|shard of Garanel|shards of Garanel}} to the set of armor laying on the ground at the top of the middle spire.
==StrategyСтратегия==*The fog (and {{Monster|Garanel's Shade}}) are on a 2 minute 30 second timer. Space your pulls to avoid multiple mob fights!*In the beginning, pull the {{Monster|shard of Garanel|shards of Garanel}} and {{Monster|fragment of Garanel|fragments of Garanel}} to the last square room. They are slow, so you will only be able to kill one, then wait for the fog and {{Monster|Garanel's Shade}}.*Placing the bones as you get them will prevent that {{Monster|shard of Garanel}} from respawning, eliminating duplicates. Have the tank (or the puller, if different) collect the bones. ==Surprise (WARNING!!! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!)==  After killing Garanel, presumably the first time only, you will get an email from Garanel! It will contain [[Garanel's Scorched Skull]] and the following message: '''From: Garanel Rucksif<br>Subject: Forget something? Trespasser, I told you I couldn't be destroyed! Next time the party is at your place! You cannot hide from me! Garanel'''
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