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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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1636 байт добавлено, 22:41, 18 мая 2010
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*Первое знакомство с сюжетом следующего дополнения - участвуйте в игровом событии, посвященном седьмой части EQII, и восстановите Круги Друидов.
*Механика - это весело! Фестиваль Механиков, ежегодный праздник гномов, состоится июле!
==Патч тест-сервера 12 мая==
===Общая информация===
*Fixed the keg on the brewmeister’s backpack so it no longer moves around unnaturally.
===Шейдеры 3.0===
*Fixed an issue where zone art would vanish after entering certain zones.
*Note: Some cloaks may appear wireframe after this update with Shader 3.0 on.
===Сюжетные линии===
*The storyline “The Moppet Master and the Doomsday Stone” now shows the proper completion text.
*The quest progress now shows properly for the Fate of the Sentinels quest in the quest journal.
*Many quests throughout Frostfang Sea now offer tradable house item rewards.
*Rune of Absolution now dispels all types of detrimental effects and is 5 charges.
*Pumice Stone now dispels all types of beneficial effects.
*All two hand weapons are now double the cost vs. one hand weapons.
*A single token exchange purse has been added to the Priest of Discord for Faydark, Kunark, Void and Odus tokens.
*All pre-GU53 tokens now convert to the new Discord token and you can exchange one token at a time as well.
*The following item effects can no longer critically hit:
**Grave Elemental’s Affliction and its upgrades
**Burning Affliction and its upgrades
***Magical Affliction and its upgrades
===Жилища игроков===
*Layout files now have 8 decimal places of accuracy rather than just 2.
===Море Замерзшего Клыка===
*Corna Kilgour, Housing Goods merchant, now has even more New Halas specific house items!
*Thirin Veliumdelver is now more expressive when conversing with players.
==Патч тест-сервера 11 мая==
