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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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406 байт добавлено, 12:18, 29 января 2010
The Nameless
Fennin Ro is the being who rules the greater elemental Plane of Fire, from which he derives his title, the Tyrant of Fire. Fennin manifests himself as a large male humanoid with barbaric features including a beard of flame, glowing red eyes, pointed ears, and fangs. Although he has been known to be a fanatic in terms of preserving the element of fire, displaying a short temper toward that preservation and any who would dare to threaten it.
===The Nameless[[Безымянный]]===
This being of ultimate power has no name and is unknown to most of NorrathЭто нечто безграничной силы, не имеет имени и неизвестно большинству созданий Норрата. It has no image in which to create othersУ него нет ни лика, nor does it have a personality as even deities wouldни изображения, привычных для других богов, и он не имеет материальной сущности, и как бы даже он и не божество. It is simply a driving force which causes universes to existЭто просто движущаяся сила, заставляющая существовать вселенную. Or not to existИли не существовать, at its own whimв зависимости от его прихоти'''Оригинальное имя''' - The Nameless
===Povar The Veiled One===
