
Flame Licked

25 байт добавлено, 18:53, 20 ноября 2016
Нет описания правки
timeline = Obulus Frontier|
jcat = Obulus Frontier|
faction = |
level = 100103|
diff = Героическое|
szone = Obulus Frontier|
altname = |
{{translate}}== Прохождение ==# Collect 8 [[image: a Pyre Tongue Shards in Wurmscale Barrens. Red crystals at edges of pools of magma. They are very abundant; you should have no trouble finding them.jpg|60px|right]]#*Соберите (8шт.) кристаллов ''Note: They are not trackable and may be difficult to see unless you zoom in.'Pyre Tongue Shards'''в ущелье [[Wurmscale Barrens]].# Return to Вернитесь к {{NPC|Klok Grissuc}}
== Награда ==
*Мин. {{infoCoin|1|53|9||14622|}}* <ipi>Pyre Tongue Shard Necklace</ipi> \aITEM 1283458730 1549199586:Pyre Tongue Shard Necklace\/a