
Руны и украшения KA

273 байта добавлено, 16:31, 30 марта 2017
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These purple adorns are lore-equip as well as having set bonuses (and only set bonuses, no adorn-specific stats), so adventurers wanting the set bonuses will have to chase down more than one crafting class in order to fill out a specific set. The recipes are distributed as follows
*Foundation of Thought - craftsmen Все ученые (carpenterАлхимик, provisionerКнижник, woodworkerЮвелир)*Firmament : Ascension of Power Magic (\aITEM - outfitters (armorer, tailor, weaponsmith672957312 145823476 0 0 0:Ascension of Magic\/a)**Ascension of Magic Love - scholars (alchemist, jeweler, sage)Алхимик**Foundation of Excitement - sageАнижник**Firmament of Passion - jewelerЮвелир (\aITEM 356530518 -210447696 0 0 0:Firmament of Passion\/a)*Ascension Все Ремесленники (Повар, Столяр и Плотник): Foundation of Love - alchemistThought **Foundation of Earth - woodworkerСтоляр**Firmament of Growth - provisionerПовар**Ascension of Life - carpenterПлотник*Все Экипировщики (Кузнец, Портной, Оружейник): Firmament of Power**Foundation of Ruin - weaponsmithОружейник**Firmament of Fire - tailorПортной**Ascension of Destruction - armorerКузнец
Of course, that doesn't really give you a good picture of how adventurers are going to be asking for stuff, so here's a breakdown that might help with confused customers and crafters. (Additional summary help thanks to Lojask of AB):