Planes of Prophecy Mercenary Gear Crate

Planes of Prophecy Mercenary Gear Crate (внешний вид)


EverQuest II информация о предмете
Planes of Prophecy Mercenary Gear Crate Ящик 1 иконка.jpg
Unpacking this bundle will grant you eight pieces of equipment to outfit your loyal mercenaries.
Содержит предметы:
Accolade of the First Phlegm
Purple Bhoohgy
Phlegmpriest's Service Medal
Diseased Achievement Medal
Contagion Commendation Medal
Bhoohghar's Phlegm Covered Stomps
Bhoohghar's Phlegm Covered Grippers
Bhoohghar's Phlegm Covered Leggings

</ItemInformation> Как получить: /claim-награда для игроков, купивших премиальное издание игры с дополнением "Planes of Prophecy".</ItemInformation>
Игровая ссылка: \aITEM -1315870726 -634528142:Planes of Prophecy Mercenary Gear Crate\/a \aITEM -1315870726 -634528142:Planes of Prophecy Mercenary Gear Crate\/a

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