Kunark Ascending: Destroyer of Beta (Solo)


EverQuest II - Информация о достижении
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Kunark Ascending: Destroyer of Beta (Solo)
Defeat all Normal Solo Final Bosses
Ongnissim the Unseen

The Mist Reaver
The Kly
Grand Master Glox
Chatizad and Zannaska
Lachina, Defender of Magics


Haagle Baron Dalnir
The Gooblin King
Over-General Vihgoh
Sorceress Gwen'vae

Kunark Ascending Solo/Quest Beta Reward
Kunark Ascending Solo/Quest Beta Reward
Earning this reward on the Beta server will allow you to /claim it on a live character.
Содержит предметы:
Bellissi, Cloud Soarer
Minor Coin oh Tithing
Skyfire Beta Equipment Infuser (1)
  • Награда игрока за активное участие в бета-тесте дополнения Kunark Ascending. См. примечание
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